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sylvanSpider sylvanSpider is offline

Weaver of Webs

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 45
  1. 's Avatar
    01-16-2019 01:37 AM
    Ashen Apple Tree
    Yeah that's right.

  2. 's Avatar
    01-12-2019 06:51 PM
    Ashen Apple Tree
    I've thought of doing that, but I'd very much like to leave my first RP/fourm site in the past.

    Why am I gazing at your avatar? I'm not attracted to women.

  3. 's Avatar
    01-11-2019 04:43 PM
    Ashen Apple Tree
    The name was Regain.
  4. 's Avatar
    01-11-2019 04:43 PM
    Ashen Apple Tree
    Yeah dude, I was who were you?
  5. 's Avatar
    01-07-2019 10:42 PM
    Ashen Apple Tree
    Hey, buddy its Ecllipsetatrigami, howare you doing?
  6. 's Avatar
    11-05-2018 11:23 PM
    Daaaaw Thanks Love <3 I'm no good at avi making. Or rather, I'm not very creative lol so any compliment makes me gush (*´ω`*)
  7. 's Avatar
    11-05-2018 12:30 AM
    The layering with the black and white makes me swoon lol and trust me i know that aurum struggle (; ̄д ̄)

  8. 's Avatar
    11-04-2018 01:23 PM
    Ugh I love your avi so much I can hardly stand it!!
  9. 's Avatar
    07-02-2018 08:59 PM
    https://biacrazy67.tumblr.com/post/1...-with-pale-red this is not my blog, just a new bro I made. I am sangriaspelluser.
  10. 's Avatar
    06-20-2018 11:23 AM
    And Thoths And Prayers: A Normal Town has been moved to the private roleplay section.

About Me

  • About sylvanSpider
    The Earth is my body; my head is in the stars
    Spiders, books, coffee
    Waitress, student (grad)
  • Signature
    All that is empty in the drawing should be filled in, the teacher said to us kids. First you sharpen the pencil to fill in the thin whiskers, then you use the thick crayon to fill in the wings with brown, meticulously and without letting the crayon leave the page. Six feet can be traced below the soft belly. Now, breathing is hard to detect on paper, the teacher said to me when I asked, but it is easier to feel it in real life.

    Even insects breathe.

    -Rawi Hage, Cockroach


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  • Total Posts: 838
  • Posts Per Day: 0.31
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General Information
  • Last Activity: 03-26-2019 01:06 PM
  • Join Date: 09-08-2017
  • Referrals: 5


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