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Moonshadow Moonshadow is offline

Io, Jupiter

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 91 to 100 of 251
  1. 's Avatar
    02-16-2017 02:28 AM
    Thank you! The community is lovely so far.
  2. 's Avatar
    02-15-2017 02:38 PM
    Lavender le Fay
    I have a similar book I got as a gift, and I loved reading. I should go find it to tell you the title and author.
  3. 's Avatar
    02-14-2017 05:40 AM
    Lavender le Fay
    I didn't even know there were PMs on here. Wow, that seems so interesting, and I'd love to read it.
  4. 's Avatar
    02-13-2017 02:16 PM
    Lavender le Fay
    I mean the book you suggested, sorry. These days, it's really hard to get me angry to the point of violence, and that took work.
  5. 's Avatar
    02-12-2017 01:39 PM
    Lavender le Fay
    I agree with you, it's something I've noticed on my own. I see people all over trying to evolve from humanity's initial, violent nature. I haven't. What is it?
  6. 's Avatar
    02-11-2017 07:36 AM
    Lavender le Fay
    I'd like to say that it's kind of a luxury to be able to figure out your emotional and spiritual self, considering past ages.
  7. 's Avatar
    02-08-2017 11:08 AM
    Lavender le Fay
    It's not easy being green, or rather fixing years of unhealthy behaviour.
  8. 's Avatar
    02-06-2017 11:41 PM
    Starry Night
    Hello! Thanks, I'm enjoying my stay so far. Amazing avatar, by the way. :)
  9. 's Avatar
    02-06-2017 12:16 PM
    you look so pretty ouo
  10. 's Avatar
    02-06-2017 08:18 AM
    Lavender le Fay
    Trying to process things, honestly. That avatar look is so beautiful.


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