Awwww forever young? that's me... maybe. That is actually a great move putting Cassi in karate. I used to work at a Taekwondo Academy and most of our students were there because of violent tendencies and lack of focus. It is an amazing way for children to learn self-control and learn to focus. So you had a good idea. I am glad you have her full-time then?
Toasty <3 <3 <3 OMG Aster crawling already???? lordhavemercy! and Cassi karate? you better be careful not to piss her off, she will totally kick you butt! hahaha ID've been well, just older :P I am glad you arDie well, you are a great dad, yeah? I knew you would be. did you ever think you would have two kiddies!!! hahaha