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Moonshadow Moonshadow is offline

Io, Jupiter

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Showing Visitor Messages 101 to 110 of 251
  1. 's Avatar
    02-01-2017 09:21 PM
    Thanks! ^-^
  2. 's Avatar
    01-28-2017 11:47 PM
    Lavender le Fay
    I think, maybe, my first course of action should be eliminating the people in my life who have proven to be a negative influence.
  3. 's Avatar
    01-28-2017 02:29 AM
    Lavender le Fay
    Well, now I know for sure I have a lot to get through before I can think of relationships. Let's see if I can get over this first.
  4. 's Avatar
    01-27-2017 11:59 PM
    Lavender le Fay
    I realise I did that because it's easy; that kind of person won't disagree with you or talk about big things. You know, I've never shown my art or myself in years, even.
  5. 's Avatar
    01-27-2017 11:53 PM
    Lavender le Fay
    I feel like I've turned back lots of good people. I can say that I've had trauma and disappointments and everything, but at some point, I chose not to get over that and let only very shallow people in.
  6. 's Avatar
    01-27-2017 11:43 PM
    Lavender le Fay
    Thank you for worrying. Basically, I've had a huge realisation. It occurred to me that I have too many walls, fronts and defense mechanisms and show a very pale image of myself, and that's why I attract the wrong people. It was a vicious cycle.
  7. 's Avatar
    01-27-2017 02:14 AM
    Lavender le Fay
    I wanted to tell you that I didn't vanish (again.) I've just been trying to figure a few things out because I haven't been feeling emotionally well.
  8. 's Avatar
    01-25-2017 01:21 PM
    Hello! Thanks for the welcome! Sorry for being naked still.... *_*
  9. 's Avatar
    01-14-2017 06:03 AM
    Thank you ^ ^
  10. 's Avatar
    01-08-2017 01:18 AM


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