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Jurinjo Jurinjo is offline

Poconut Overlord

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  1. 's Avatar
    09-12-2011 12:16 AM
    Message 1: It did? Hmm. I might just have to watch it, despite it's silly titles. (:

    I would! I'd have a room like his, with different currencies just so I could travel. Well, if I ever decided to rob a bank. I'm torn between robbing a bank (which isn't too high on my to-do list) or robbing those of the government or rich and snooty-pooty type people... I think it would be the latter. I don't like right snooty-pooty government people, or just snooty-pooty people in general. So they be poor after I'm done with them! =D
    Or... maybe just middle-class.
    Damn it, I'm getting too soft.
  2. 's Avatar
    09-11-2011 03:09 PM
    Message 2: Holy Bananas, you're right! *flail* That means 4:30am to 9:00am! You better appreciate this stuff! D:< (Naw, it's better for me early in the morning when my parents aren't awake anyway. XD But, since it's 9, I have to leave for college at 9 on Tuesdays, I can leave later for high school on Monday so... Monday instead? =D)
    Yay Wizard marathon! =D

    Hahaha! Yes! I like that! XD

    I would too. How do you make that key on an english keyboard anyway? D;

    Yeah, pretty much. xD
    I only remember what the old Pitfall was like. Though, that was pretty much the only thing I knew from Atari, so I dunno if it counts. xD
  3. 's Avatar
    09-11-2011 03:03 PM
    Message 1: I've seen Jumper, never seen Push.

    That's interesting. c:
    I think Jadey is the only one who did this kind of thing when she was more grown up.

    Yeah, a 'homebase' would be nice. I thought about where I would want mine, and I can only think to have it in California. A homebase that stays a home, right? *uncreative* Where would you want yours to be?
    Forget the authorities! *teleports like a jumper* Uwahahaha!
  4. 's Avatar
    09-11-2011 03:02 PM
    -worships gorgeous Toph avatar- *[]*
  5. 's Avatar
    09-11-2011 09:21 AM
    ooo, a simple letter switch. I think i misspell your name all the time xD;
    Nice, it's fairly original methinks. I've been using Jurinjo for...3-4 years. But I stole it from a webcomic =X I identify with that name now but it will always be something I stole. orz

    Oinari's? Didn't even see that one. You could find a way to get them in shops. Plus I didn't fight for all of mine. I lose too much xD; I'd still be fighting to get the original ones if I hadn't asked for gems from a friend. C:

    :D -twirls around in healing energy- You're magicaaaaal. (Wish magic were real so bad)
  6. 's Avatar
    09-11-2011 03:59 AM
    Actually, I looked them up and they are "HadrIAn". xD Sounds like a name. P= My username gets misspelled for Sadrian, too, sometimes. Once or twice I did it my self, too, LOL.
    But, yes, it originates from Sad+Rain. xD I have had that name for geez, like... nearly 6 years or so. xDD

    Brane's and Oinari's bundles are new ones. I want Oinari's for the ears and tail and yeah... ToT;; Wish I had time to fight and stuff.
    Haha, yeah, I have never used the rain yet either, but bubbles work neat for underwater avvies, such as this. I guess there is no completely "useless" items on Trisphee (rarely occurs).

    Yeah, I've got school tomorrow, on Monday, and that worries me as well. But I will hope neither of us gets worse. CC: -sends some healing and support magic-
  7. 's Avatar
    09-11-2011 02:02 AM
    Message 1:
    That's because I totally forgot to look it up... kind of like what I did just now... again. Lol, Anywho, this is the link: [click] Those terms are from the movie Push. It's kinda silly when you read about 'em (because pushers push thoughts into your mind, lol. original much.) but I'm sure some of it is really cool. I can't wait to read about the Shadows~

    Green beans? That sounds like fun actually. xD What are the vines you pick them off of like? (It's vines right? orz)
    I have a place actually. o: I'd rather move all over the place than settle in on one area. *is such a nomad* The first place I would go right at this moment however, would probably be Lousiana to pick blackberries! Then somewhere around you or Jadey to stalk you. o_o
  8. 's Avatar
    09-11-2011 02:02 AM
    Message 2:
    7am to 12pm your time, so 10am to 3pm my time! Less restriction for me. *smile* Tuesday, because one of my classes is canceled for the day, we could prolly have a Wizard marathon (if I find a ride home at the right time). xD Yes~ I am in college. (Now, as in for the semester. Still not a full time student like Jadey though. :C)

    Oh! Ah! Hot! No heat vision! D: (Random moment! The other day, as I was backing cookies, I somehow got cookie batter on my butt. xD It wasn't like, blunt on the cheek or anything, more like it would be right under my belt if I were wearing one, but isn't that weird?! Anywho~ you made me lol with that heat vision face. xD)
    I know right? I go to grab the joystick and am like... "This is what it looks like? It looks different..." xD
    Sorry to disappoint. It's still space-ship-exploding-goodness game-wise! :'D
  9. 's Avatar
    09-11-2011 01:11 AM
    Ahh, okay. I think. (Just ignore my empty headedness for tonight.)

    Will do. d:

    Seriously? That's so awesome! I... I envy her. *used to go blackberry picking back in the day* Time to move away from California! : D

    I'm not sure. Tomorrow is a full day, and Monday I'm not sure. Tuesday is full too. OTL But but! I can download and install it while you're offline and have it ready for whenever we may meet on any of those days! : D Tomorrow mid-day I can do that maybe. Play Monday? c:

    I found out it's not really Atari, it's something she bought at Walmart not too long ago. xD What my step-dad has is probably a paddle anyway too. XD Anywhooo >o>
  10. 's Avatar
    09-11-2011 12:55 AM
    Invested? As in, in one of those thingies that allows us to have both Windows and Mac OS on the same computer? Oh, we did. Well, it came with the computer actually, but took up a buttload of memory, ran slowly, and my goodness the computer felt like it was on lift off because of how fast the fan would blow with that thing. xD
    So yeah.. PC is for games. :D Plus it's more comfortable on that computer for some reason.

    That all sounds familiar, but I can't remember. *goes to look it up* Because it sounds cool!

    You're not sorry! *sob* (I kid, I kid~ c: )
    Aw, I'm sorry. D:
    She does? I never knew! D:

    It's good because I wont download it because it's a windows thing instead of mac, which would lead to self-destruct. xD

    ...My mom is still playing on the Atari. She's like, "Crap.. Crap.. Hey! Die! DIE!" XD


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