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Pinkie Pinkie is offline

Rainbows and stuff

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Showing Visitor Messages 1991 to 2000 of 2731
  1. 's Avatar
    02-26-2012 03:46 AM
    oh really? ~doesn't believe you~ ~just kidding~
    is your outfit of a character? xD cause i like it lol
  2. 's Avatar
    02-25-2012 11:53 PM
    ~tackles the pinky~ yous need to come back I miss juus D:
  3. 's Avatar
    02-24-2012 03:34 PM
    When you get better if you'd like to think about joining just let me know
    -wraps pinkie in blankets and makes soup-
    feel better <3
  4. 's Avatar
    02-24-2012 05:48 AM
    Hey Pinkie Baby~
    I miss you <3

    I'm starting a Group Rp. I'm not sure if you do those or if you'd be interested. I'll send you a link if you are. I hope you're doing well its been a few days since we talked.
  5. 's Avatar
    02-20-2012 07:47 PM
    About the RP:
    Basically - 1x 1 is cool, if you understand my it's my starting off point (woke up on strange land, no memory how I got there, basically looking for others around to help me figure out who, what, and where I am. It's based on the first one or two chapters of "Slave Girl of Gor").
    I like yaoi, too, but since I forbade my husband-creature from having pr0n in the house I'm giving away the 2 graphic novels I got from Yaoi Press. "The Lily & the Rose" - awesome gothic artwork, and Saihoshi- more traditional Japanese yaoi style, I guess, again amazing art. I gotta get 'em gone before I can rag on Eric for his pr0n even tho his is *real* people *angry eyes*
    I gotta go, Hon I already fell asleep on my phone 2x whilst typing this LOL (((HUGS)))
    ~Kat noms on Pinkie's head cuz she & Ari taste like katnip in this realm~ kekeke
  6. 's Avatar
    02-20-2012 04:23 PM
    Thanks Pinkie! You look beautiful too!
  7. 's Avatar
    02-20-2012 01:42 PM
    Shit- I just lost my Wall 'o Response *grrrrrr*
    Thankies for helping me get a "look" :3 ~Kat twirls around to let her hair and various bits of loose clothing *fly* around~ I LOVE the wigs in the Event Bundles- and the fact that each one has so many colours!! *SQUEE*
    I have a ship ton of Rubies if you would like some ^_^ What? That game is addictive >.<
  8. 's Avatar
    02-20-2012 02:38 AM
    haha if I could afford it right now, Id be down
  9. 's Avatar
    02-19-2012 02:40 PM
    Sorry- phone is being stupid & double posted >.<
  10. 's Avatar
    02-19-2012 02:34 PM
    Pinkie, thank you for the beautiful new duds ^_^ I luffs them! Pretty much black & anything is awesome! *GLOMP* *OMNOMNOMNOM* Whoa! You and Ari BOTH taste like Katnip in this realm! *SQUEE!* Thank you for helping this lil' newbie along :3 When you are feeling better, I was wondering if you and maybe Ari and Yume would be interested in helping me dust off my RPing skills (it's been over 10 years since I did any "real" RPing). My idea is basically the opening scene of the book "Slave Girl of Gor" by John Norman. Basically, and Earth girl wakes up on a strange planet and has to literally figure out where she is and what this new world is about. It's a really rudimentary RP, but I'm so rusty I squeak! Any interest?
    Miew? >^..^<
    ~Noms Pinkie once more before scampering off to chase Trisphee's version of butterflies. Oh, CARP! This are people in last month's Monthly item *oops* LOL *chases anyways*

About Me

  • About Pinkie
    I love anime...
    In your walls squishing your gnomes
    Gnome squashing
    ...gnome squasher
  • Signature
    ~*~*~*~*~*~ ♥...If you will have me we shall be...♥~*~*~*~*~*~
    ~*~*~*~*~*~♥ ...Together forever and a day...♥ ~*~*~*~*~*~


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  • Last Activity: 04-26-2020 01:35 AM
  • Join Date: 11-27-2010
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