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Conversation Between Gaius and Nexess
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to of
  1. 's Avatar
    03-06-2013 08:58 PM
    About 2-3k a pay check actually, they just pay out over half in taxes alot of the time.
  2. 's Avatar
    03-06-2013 08:47 PM
    Are they? Hmm, teachers don't really make much so you'd think their taxes would be pretty low...
  3. 's Avatar
    03-06-2013 08:43 PM
    Yea, it's really hard to find a job for an art teacher here too, plus the taxes and stuff are crazy.
  4. 's Avatar
    03-06-2013 08:39 PM
    Aw, it would be super hard to find work as an art teacher. A lot of schools in my area have cut their art programs altogether. x_x But I guess it's pretty hard to make money as an artist too. :/
  5. 's Avatar
    03-06-2013 08:37 PM
    I was going to do that for Art but then I realized it was a really crappy job and that I basically cannot stand kinds of any kind :|
  6. 's Avatar
    03-06-2013 11:13 AM
    I'm sorry. :(

    It was okay... It's just that it was a lot of work for something that I was never really all that keen on in the first place. I wanted to major in math, but I didn't want to sit behind a desk and crunch numbers like a statistician or an accountant, so I thought teaching was the only option. Now I'm thinking I can go to graduate school and just keep learning and discovering forever. Anyway, it isn't really fair to the students to go into teaching if you don't like it. It sucks to try to learn from a teacher who hates his job.
  7. 's Avatar
    03-04-2013 06:45 PM
    I was doing goo for about a month xwx now I just want to sleep till 2pm and I'm still exhausted!

    Math education wasn't working out for you?
  8. 's Avatar
    03-04-2013 06:31 PM
    Aww I'm sorry. I'm finally getting into a normal routine myself. Been waking up feeling refreshed at around eight every morning. Before that I was waking up feeling exhausted and stumbling through my entire morning. x_x

    It's good. A lot less stressful since I switched from math education to discrete math. I am proving the Chinese Remainder Theorem. :D
  9. 's Avatar
    03-04-2013 06:21 PM
    Little tired, insomnia decided to act up like crazy last night, so I had a really interrupted sleep @w@ How's school goin'?
  10. 's Avatar
    03-04-2013 06:19 PM
    I am doing okay. Just just home from school and I'm a little tired. You?
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