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Conversation Between Jyuudaime and Desu
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to of
  1. 's Avatar
    03-18-2011 01:53 AM
    [/touches your hair] C8
  2. 's Avatar
    03-18-2011 01:23 AM
    Yes... It does...
  3. 's Avatar
    03-17-2011 02:06 AM
    Wavy hair.... At least it has style. xD <3
  4. 's Avatar
    03-14-2011 02:37 PM
    I lvoe asians though. o3o
    I have wavy hair.... it's soooo troublesome. =3=
  5. 's Avatar
    03-14-2011 02:30 PM
    I have straight asian hair.
    It's sooo boring. 8C
  6. 's Avatar
    03-14-2011 02:26 PM
    Well with my haircut.... if it's wavy, it looks soooo weird... XD
  7. 's Avatar
    03-14-2011 02:26 PM
    Ewwww. xDD
    I used to use gel.
    But now I use the air. xDD
  8. 's Avatar
    03-14-2011 02:25 PM
    Same with me. XD
    And I run my hands down my hair to run it down my hair so it doesn't get too hard.... and, and.... it makes my hands sticky... XD And then they smell like hairspray....
  9. 's Avatar
    03-14-2011 02:18 PM
    XDDD Hair spraaaaay. Makes me cough. ; - ;
  10. 's Avatar
    03-14-2011 01:52 PM
    Wow. XD
    I need to wash my hair tonight...
    and straighten it in the morning...
    then load it down with hairspray! XD
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