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Conversation Between Jurinjo and OtoChan
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to of
  1. 's Avatar
    07-07-2014 08:25 PM
    Hey! :D -flails-
    I had to read back in our comments and: OMG IT'S POLAAAR BEAR! x3
    Sad that's how I still know you eh? ^.^;
  2. 's Avatar
    05-20-2014 07:21 AM
    Hey Jurinjo :D
  3. 's Avatar
    08-29-2012 06:56 PM
  4. 's Avatar
    05-26-2011 07:32 AM
    what happened?

    Thai has talent? heh never heard of such a video (guessing it's not a show). Thai is a beautiful language, which I don't know, however there's a lot of words that end with -ah. Not annoying in music videos but the old soap opera videos my grandma has- Dx That syllable is really really sharp.

    I haven't played one where they get wings. As for guns they do have 'em in Rift. But playing any ranged weapon class in there is FRUSTRATING AS HELL for me >=\
  5. 's Avatar
    05-25-2011 03:36 PM
    lol! gawd that just reminded me the time i was using those rocket launches, bad mistake xD!

    Ohh your thai? niicee :D i think i watched a few clips of the thai has talent or something, i can't remember what it was but it was a epic clip xD

    Nono! rangers are wayyy cooler :D we have.. you know wings are stuff and a bow and arrow :D or a gun depends which game :P
  6. 's Avatar
    05-24-2011 07:36 PM
    xD Exactly! Though accidentally blowing myself up never stopped me from using missle launchers haha x3

    Thai food is awesome...but I may be prejudiced xD -is thai-

    I aim for things like that too. I dislike being hit so if there's a way to avoid it >> As to which one is cooler depends on the game. Generally Wizards are cool fo sho! "pfft" to your ranger ;p
  7. 's Avatar
    05-24-2011 03:14 PM
    Haha i hate grenading xD only usually cause i either forget or i die while grenading which puts me off doing it in the first place :P

    Would it be creepy if i did mark it in my calander... LOL im joking :P -rushes and marks in calender-
    ooo thai food! sounds yummy xD i don't think i've ever tasted it before.

    ohhhhh sounds fun! xD when i play rpgs i'm usually either a wizard or a ranger. Mostly rangers though cause they are cooler :P hohoho~
  8. 's Avatar
    05-24-2011 08:55 AM
    ah FPS, I used to be a bad ass grenader in Halo. Then suddenly i couldn't throw grenades worth shit. ='( Haven't been much into FPS for some time though I am apparently good enough to shock people that I practically never play xD

    It's fine not like you marked in on your calendar right? lol We're not that close friends and quite honestly there's too many people I know to be remembering their birthday's. I had as much as I could stomach, good Thai food, and...yup I think that's about it.

    Rift is an RPG MMO, not free though. And...well you figured it had something to do with fire right? Basically a fire wizard. I usually like decimating enemies quickly as possible or supporting my allies.
  9. 's Avatar
    05-24-2011 06:31 AM
    Haha i actually play a lot of FPS games xD i just logged onto here cause i felt bad for not logging in for a few months :'(

    OHH HAPPY BIRTHHDAYYY! sorry im late! You are now this certain age :) and i hope you ate a lot of cake and had a wonderful day :D

    Not sure what rift is :'( or pyromancer
  10. 's Avatar
    05-23-2011 06:03 PM
    ...neither things in the last comment I made seems evil laugh appropriate =\
    Are you actually logging onto here or do you have another place you are at? ;p

    And happy Birthday to me! =D Got cheeeascake downstairs. -wants to eat-
    But until then I shall Play Rift. fwoosh (going to make a pyromancer now)
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