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Conversation Between Gabe Puratekuta and Alexander Linden
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to of
  1. 's Avatar
    09-26-2010 12:27 PM
    Gabe Puratekuta
    I am. Just with someone else and awaiting another
  2. 's Avatar
    09-26-2010 12:16 AM
    Alexander Linden
    xD I hope you're role playing, hun.
  3. 's Avatar
    09-25-2010 10:48 PM
    Gabe Puratekuta
    Yeah they are. What else, are you going to say that Succubi or Angels aren't real?? 'Cause either would mean that I don't exist!
  4. 's Avatar
    09-25-2010 10:12 PM
    Alexander Linden
    Hun... Vampires aren't real... >.<
  5. 's Avatar
    09-25-2010 10:09 PM
    Gabe Puratekuta
    Vladimir Tepes Dracul was real. And evil.

    Anyway, as someone that has actually met and befriended vampires, I can be certain when I say that you are more demon than vampire
  6. 's Avatar
    09-25-2010 09:58 PM
    Alexander Linden
    I'm not related to "Tepes". Dracula is fictional...
  7. 's Avatar
    09-25-2010 09:56 PM
    Gabe Puratekuta
    I don't really care about the supposed "son of Tepes". I prefer REAL vampires
  8. 's Avatar
    09-25-2010 09:52 PM
    Alexander Linden
    I meant his powers, not his weaknesses. xD I can cross running water perfectly fine, thanks. I also an not damaged by holy water or crosses, that's just ridiculous.

    And why would you change someone JUST by biting them? xD
  9. 's Avatar
    09-25-2010 09:43 PM
    Gabe Puratekuta
    First of all, the whole "sunlight and running water is bad" thing: total crap. The same goes for silver, crosses and becoming an amorphous blob when killed (as this Alucard does). As well as vampires being initially "evil". The truth is that most vampires are, in fact, very nice while others are just assholes. A lot like humans, actually. They're social, courteous, amazing in bed, fashionable, sexy, cannot turn people into vampires by drinking their blood or vice-versa and very, very charismatic
  10. 's Avatar
    09-25-2010 09:27 PM
    Alexander Linden
    What can they do? And how much do you even know about Alucard? xD
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