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Conversation Between Amethyst and Ginger
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to of
  1. 's Avatar
    09-12-2012 01:05 AM
    Lol it's alright I do it sometimes too :P
  2. 's Avatar
    09-12-2012 12:57 AM
    Yup lol.
    Sorry to have unloaded my life story to you. xD I hardly ever get a chance to talk to people cuz I don't know anyone out here. xD So when I start talking, I just can't stop sometimes. ><
  3. 's Avatar
    09-12-2012 12:34 AM
    That's a pretty good deal! :)
  4. 's Avatar
    09-12-2012 12:24 AM
    Maybe, definatly worth thinking about.
    We pay 675 for a three bedroom two bath house.
  5. 's Avatar
    09-12-2012 12:08 AM
    Wow really? My mom pays about $550 a month here for rent. We've looked around and there are 2-bedroom apartments in the city for about the same price. If you wanted to you could also look for a roommate in the city so it will cut your rent in half if you get a 2 bedroom ;)
  6. 's Avatar
    09-12-2012 12:02 AM
    You would think lol. But our rent is only 675 a month so we can save up pretty fast, but I don't blaim him for not wanting to move faster, our house is right down the street from his work.
  7. 's Avatar
    09-11-2012 11:52 PM
    Yikes! But wouldn't it be more efficient if you guys relocated to a place in the city temporarily so you both could have jobs and save up twice as fast for a house?
  8. 's Avatar
    09-11-2012 11:47 PM
    We are saving up to move to a bigger city, but probably not for a few years because he wants to buy a house when we move not rent like we are now.
  9. 's Avatar
    09-11-2012 11:43 PM
    Aww dang... has he considered setting money aside to relocate?
  10. 's Avatar
    09-11-2012 11:40 PM
    I graduated in 2011 too, and my mom got me job four weeks after graduation as a caregiver at an assisted living facility for the elderly, but lost my job in janurary due to be harressed and reporting my boss for it then getting fired. So I moved in with my boyfriend in a small little town that has nothing, not even a grocery store!! xD I don't have a car of license and the closest place I could go to work is an hour away lol. I'm SOL cuz piblic transportation only comes out here once a week. -.- The only good side is that I'm lucky enough to hav a caring soul mate who doesn't mind supporting me until we can afford a second car.

    Our lives suck lol.
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