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Conversation Between Foxie and Fenris
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to of
  1. 's Avatar
    05-19-2011 03:33 PM
    *sneaks in, hands cookie then runs away* :D
  2. 's Avatar
    05-16-2011 02:12 AM
    Happy Birthday! X3 *glomps, huggles then pets you*
  3. 's Avatar
    05-12-2011 01:03 AM
    Hey Fen ^^ Havent talked to you in a while. How ya been?
  4. 's Avatar
    09-28-2010 04:43 PM
    lol did you get meh messenge on DA? Meh phone is out of minutes so I cant text you *cries*
  5. 's Avatar
    09-28-2010 04:35 PM
    I have been poketh
  6. 's Avatar
    09-28-2010 04:23 PM
    *poke* O.O Just cause I can lol
  7. 's Avatar
    09-23-2010 05:29 PM
    Purchase the event items with them, you have to collect them to do so.
  8. 's Avatar
    09-23-2010 03:34 PM
    So what do you do with the Fati and Lost Souls?
  9. 's Avatar
    09-23-2010 06:05 AM
    Both are currencies used to buy things in the event shop.
  10. 's Avatar
    09-23-2010 01:23 AM
    Whats a Fati shard? and a lost soul?
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