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Conversation Between Mz Hyde and Stabbsworth
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to of
  1. 's Avatar
    08-17-2022 01:55 AM
    Mz Hyde
    thanks !!
  2. 's Avatar
    08-15-2022 01:07 PM
    ya, will do.
  3. 's Avatar
    08-15-2022 11:12 AM
    Mz Hyde
    I have noticed that! I was clicking around quite a bit when I first joined. send what you like then! lol
  4. 's Avatar
    08-14-2022 07:49 PM
    No, seriously, the crane game items are literally fucking infinite. I have so many of these fucking things. There's thousands in the item exchange. You get three pandora tokens per day which equals about three prizes.
  5. 's Avatar
    08-14-2022 06:19 PM
    Mz Hyde
    I /am/ an item fiend lol. but I'm unsure how often I'll visit so dunno if I'd wanna take away from others! o:
  6. 's Avatar
    08-08-2022 01:01 PM
    Welcome to Trisphee! Introduce yourself on the introductions forum whenever you wish, there's no rush. And let me know if you want some crane game items, I have so many.
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