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Conversation Between Viridis Aureus and Asami
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to of
  1. 's Avatar
    04-21-2014 02:23 AM
    Viridis Aureus
    I've been good. Just busy lol. Getting through this semester finally. I have 2 more weeks of classes, then finals. I can make it through! I know I can!
  2. 's Avatar
    04-21-2014 12:43 AM
    Ive been great and you?
  3. 's Avatar
    04-20-2014 08:08 PM
    Viridis Aureus
    Asami! I haven't been on here in forever. School has taken its toll on me. How are you?
  4. 's Avatar
    10-09-2013 09:57 PM
    Viridis Aureus
    Okay lol. I won't be posting much this week, because I have a lot of stuff to do
  5. 's Avatar
    10-09-2013 12:51 PM
    well i tend to be on and off when im at home XD so hopefully we can catch each other c:
    and then ill def stay on to post <3
  6. 's Avatar
    10-08-2013 10:21 PM
    Viridis Aureus
    I'll try to haha. It depend when you're wanting to post and all. I have classes pretty much every day from 8 AM to 2:30 PM.
  7. 's Avatar
    10-08-2013 11:41 AM
    dang.. well at least you are back! hopefully you will post with me when im back from staying with my grandmother xD<33?
  8. 's Avatar
    10-07-2013 08:31 PM
    Viridis Aureus
    Mostly school for the past month and a half XD. Other than that I just got distracted.
  9. 's Avatar
    10-07-2013 01:47 PM
    im great ^^ and you? O:
    where have you been if you dont mind me asking? c:
  10. 's Avatar
    10-05-2013 05:18 PM
    Viridis Aureus
    <.< I disappeared for a bit lol. How are you?
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