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Conversation Between Corovignh and Jurinjo
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to of
  1. 's Avatar
    11-22-2010 07:27 PM
    Haha, they usually play a decent variety, though sometimes it'll be a repeat (or sound like a repeat) from the previous week. Otherwise they try to introduce whatever new songs are available and mix it into their current lists, which usually happens on the weekends.
  2. 's Avatar
    11-22-2010 07:24 PM
    ah well I do like techno...is moderation that is. They blend too much for me to tell the difference between songs. ;>>
  3. 's Avatar
    11-22-2010 07:23 PM
    It's an internet radio station, also available as a podcast and a constant stream, and it generally plays techno music with the occasional trance and house beats. c:
  4. 's Avatar
    11-22-2010 07:20 PM
    what is energy 98 exactly?
  5. 's Avatar
    11-22-2010 07:15 PM
    Hmm, I've heard of Pandora but I don't think I've ever checked it out. I mainly listen to Energy 98, though I think I'll add those to the list of things I need to visit. And that song was amazingly pretty. <3
  6. 's Avatar
    11-22-2010 07:12 PM
    kinda sorta. I have a station on pandora radio with them on it. Though I over listened so now I have a station for Metro Station.
  7. 's Avatar
    11-22-2010 07:10 PM
    Do you listen to a lot of Nightwish? 8O
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