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Conversation Between Moonshadow and Lavender le Fay
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to of
  1. 's Avatar
    11-16-2017 03:19 PM
    I probably have him and just don't even know it. I find it hard to keep track of my items on here since I'm on so little. I'm going to make an effort to log on more often!
  2. 's Avatar
    11-12-2017 10:24 AM
    Lavender le Fay
    I may have gotten him in a holiday set, or in one of the things you sent me. I wish I could say I'm scatterbrained, but I'd first need a brain for that.
  3. 's Avatar
    11-07-2017 10:41 PM
    Hey Lav!!! I love your blue puppy, where did you get him, what item is that. I have been gone for a month! I can't believe it!
  4. 's Avatar
    07-21-2017 10:26 PM
    Sometimes I like to use Crystal Oracle Cards. I pull a card out in the morning, usually I have a pendant or a piece of that stone, then I meditate on it and wear it all day. Thank you for the compliment <3
  5. 's Avatar
    07-21-2017 05:20 AM
    Lavender le Fay
    I'm not surprised you know exactly which books I'd need. You're a font of knowledge in your own right.
  6. 's Avatar
    07-20-2017 10:58 PM
    (I did it again, I posted a response to you on my own profile, I'm such a noob!)

    I have a tabletop book called: Smithsonian Rock and Gem,it is very informative. for metaphysical I would recommend The Crystal Bible 1, 2 and 3.
  7. 's Avatar
    07-18-2017 09:10 PM
    Lavender le Fay
    I have some jewellery, but mostly pieces of rocks. I wanted to buy a book years ago, but I'd like more of a cyclopaedia with all the minerals and such, and a similar book about all the metaphysical matters.
  8. 's Avatar
    07-17-2017 10:24 PM
    I have a huge book on stones. I check it often, I have a few pieces of chalcedony jewelry.
  9. 's Avatar
    07-16-2017 08:03 PM
    Lavender le Fay
    Once I found a huge piece of some brown or orange trigonal crystal, but my mother decided it was trash. It could be chalcedony that I find a lot of.
  10. 's Avatar
    07-10-2017 11:21 PM
    I did not know flint was quartz. I would be interested to know what that brown crystal you are finding is.
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