Conversation Between Moonshadow and Lavender le Fay
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I probably have him and just don't even know it. I find it hard to keep track of my items on here since I'm on so little. I'm going to make an effort to log on more often!
I may have gotten him in a holiday set, or in one of the things you sent me. I wish I could say I'm scatterbrained, but I'd first need a brain for that.
Hey Lav!!! I love your blue puppy, where did you get him, what item is that. I have been gone for a month! I can't believe it!
Sometimes I like to use Crystal Oracle Cards. I pull a card out in the morning, usually I have a pendant or a piece of that stone, then I meditate on it and wear it all day. Thank you for the compliment <3
I'm not surprised you know exactly which books I'd need. You're a font of knowledge in your own right.
(I did it again, I posted a response to you on my own profile, I'm such a noob!)
I have a tabletop book called: Smithsonian Rock and Gem,it is very informative. for metaphysical I would recommend The Crystal Bible 1, 2 and 3.
I have some jewellery, but mostly pieces of rocks. I wanted to buy a book years ago, but I'd like more of a cyclopaedia with all the minerals and such, and a similar book about all the metaphysical matters.
I have a huge book on stones. I check it often, I have a few pieces of chalcedony jewelry.
Once I found a huge piece of some brown or orange trigonal crystal, but my mother decided it was trash. It could be chalcedony that I find a lot of.
I did not know flint was quartz. I would be interested to know what that brown crystal you are finding is.