Conversation Between littl3chocobo and Tohopekaliga
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Glad to hear it worked! :D
thankyou, both sold ^^ now to get that torso i was trying to buy!
You can sell them again, yeah. If it doesn't work, then...well, new problem! But it should work.
i actually needed the au, so may i sell them again or is the problem persisting?
Okay, I found the issue. Thanks for the report. I went ahead and put a Basic Demure Hands and a Basic Bare Shorty Skirt into your inventory.
Hmm... That's strange. The log says you sold several Lime Long Socks. I'll look into that.
hey, i sold a shorty skirt and a demure hands and only got around 30 au for the pair instead of 1050. something is pretty janky in the sell-back
yeah, i already asked galla about that who said as much XD
No, I intentionally disabled it. Even mentioned in the announcement.
you accidentally disabled smoochquest