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Conversation Between Doctor Gabriel and littl3chocobo
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to of
  1. 's Avatar
    12-12-2015 08:51 PM
    Doctor Gabriel
    I have absolutely no idea what any of those things are...
  2. 's Avatar
    12-12-2015 02:08 PM
    just got a commish so busy XD making mockabilly hahaha, ringers and winklepickers hahaha
  3. 's Avatar
    12-12-2015 02:04 PM
    Doctor Gabriel
    Getting by, stayed up all night by accident so, kinda drowsy. But besides that, feeling good. Yourself?
  4. 's Avatar
    12-12-2015 11:11 AM
    going well~ how are you?
  5. 's Avatar
    12-12-2015 10:37 AM
    Doctor Gabriel
    Hello, how's it going?
  6. 's Avatar
    12-12-2015 08:39 AM
    hi there
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