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Conversation Between Sadistically Masochistic and Perfectly Wicked
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to of
  1. 's Avatar
    01-23-2011 12:09 AM
    Perfectly Wicked
    Huroooo Spoochi~!

    You so sneaky gurl. <33
  2. 's Avatar
    01-22-2011 04:17 AM
    Sadistically Masochistic
    backstalk~ a-hurka-durka :'D
    Heerrrooo Squigs!
  3. 's Avatar
    01-06-2011 02:06 AM
    Perfectly Wicked
    -stalk, stalk, stalk-
  4. 's Avatar
    12-28-2010 01:00 AM
    Perfectly Wicked
    But I want you to have such awesome pixels here that you will never leave!
    Besides, these are sweet items.

    Yay! Everyone else will be jealous of us and my art. I like jealously.
  5. 's Avatar
    12-27-2010 12:26 PM
    Sadistically Masochistic
    Noooo! Don't spends teh monies on me! You already gave me that letter on Gaia! :0

    und yes~ You weel be first avatar art on new tablet~
    I've been using it, but not the way I wanted to. just doodling and never really posting anything. so now it'll be broken in all proper-like! 8D
  6. 's Avatar
    12-26-2010 02:08 PM
    Perfectly Wicked
    Pfffft. Pffffft. You're not fat. You're like me, it'd just be nice to be a little more 'sleek'. D;

    This is my current avatar. I love it. x3

    I get to be your first art!??! That is so awesome. You're treating me all special. 8]

    Also, you and Jassy will be getting awesome Trisphee gifts when I get the money on Friday. 50Runes that can be used to buy one of the insanely cute yearly items. Yearly Item = dTail and Wings and Halos
  7. 's Avatar
    12-26-2010 07:45 AM
    Sadistically Masochistic
    I got a really nice shirt, I'm going to put off some weight before I wear it though. it's a tad tight around the fat area. Which is like ALL my areas. Bwahahahaha!

    Also, you should send me full body pic of your avatar; making you avi arts for jebusmas. :3 You'll be first avi art I make on my new tablet, ho yeah! 8D
  8. 's Avatar
    12-19-2010 03:10 PM
    Perfectly Wicked
    Was it a good prize?: O I love good prizes~

    Awwwww. thanks. My holidays will be good. Even if I have to make them so. D;
    Will you be giving out food again soon? <3
  9. 's Avatar
    12-19-2010 11:59 AM
    Sadistically Masochistic
    I am so crap at being anywhere for extended amounts of time. D:
    today was freaking awesome cause the forum I go to had a party, I finally won something in the raffle! it only took like FOREVER. :'D
    I do hopes your days are doing awesomes, and that your Jesusmas will be great too! :0
  10. 's Avatar
    12-18-2010 04:06 PM
    Perfectly Wicked
    You're alive! :3

    I miss you. <33
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