Conversation Between star2000shadow and Lawtan
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to of
Trade? I'll take the inevitable snow storm for you.
oh I'm so sorry 'hugs' the only good thing? we've yet to get snow. of course the fact we haven't means we're probably gonna have a snow storm 'makes face'
*Offers hug*
Granddad died today a few years ago, so I can relate a little.
- I'm not exactly happy about christmas.. mom died a week before thanks giving, just like berry and so christmas and thanks giving are bad holidays as they where both moms and berry's favorite holidays. 'sigh' and this is the second year without mom.. so does not make it easier.
Tired. Working on finals.
I'm doing okay, and yourself?
So, how are you this day?
haha ren't you a sweety.. 'gives you a blanket in return'