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Conversation Between Wilted and Ginger
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to of
  1. 's Avatar
    10-12-2014 07:19 AM
    I've never really run out of mine, but, then again, I do tend to get rid of the ones I don't use/meed anymore.

    I've just finished making Halloween avatars on the other two sites I frequent. I guess this means I really should start working on my Tris one, it should take a white, that's I'm sure of.
  2. 's Avatar
    10-12-2014 06:18 AM
    Nice!! 8D I don't have an avatar for Halloween on there yet. Maybe I'll just use one of my saved darker avatars. Gaia needs more save slots.
  3. 's Avatar
    10-12-2014 06:09 AM
    Same here. On Gaia my main has pretty much been getting a new outfit every day for Halloween. I'm planning to use the main Halloween avatar I have prepared for it when it's closer to Halloween then it is now, so in another 10 days or so.
  4. 's Avatar
    10-12-2014 03:07 AM
    Aww okay. I've got one of my mules dressed up Halloween-ish. Spooky ghost thing with lanterns around it.

    I'm not sure if I should keep this one for Halloween or not. I'm so indecisive with my avatars lol.
  5. 's Avatar
    10-12-2014 03:00 AM
    I'll try putting one together for my main a few days later, but I won't make one on this account for the time being.

    How about you?
  6. 's Avatar
    10-12-2014 02:22 AM
    Good seeing you on :3 Will you be making a Halloween avatar?
  7. 's Avatar
    10-08-2014 12:37 AM
    That's true, which is why I think I might become more active after finding one. And if it pays well enough I'll also be able to donate to the site when new DIs are released :3.
  8. 's Avatar
    10-07-2014 09:22 PM
    Lol having a job makes you busy busy. Makes you value your free time more and what you do with it. That's what it did for me, though I'm unsure of everyone else haha
  9. 's Avatar
    10-07-2014 01:33 AM
    I'm sorry to hear about that, hopefully the two of you can still communicate with each other though.

    It's been courses for me, and after that I'm starting my search for a job again. I think I might become more active after I find one and have one worry less... which is kind of my only real worry actually.
  10. 's Avatar
    10-07-2014 12:31 AM
    Yeah I understand not having much time. I hope you can become and active member of the community again soon. I've been trying... just been exhausted from loneliness this past week. I won't be able to see my boyfriend for another month at least and the realization set in a few days ago.
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