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Conversation Between Inspire and daikokunyo
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to of
  1. 's Avatar
    12-11-2019 03:49 PM
    For sure but unfortunately the kittens had a stomach disease and died quite early. One got ran over as well. It was a very sad time but after some years I decided to get another pet and try again. The owners didn't even tell me they had stomach issues ugh lol.
  2. 's Avatar
    12-11-2019 05:28 AM
    oooh wow, so much fuzz
  3. 's Avatar
    12-11-2019 05:01 AM
    Oh yes it definitely is. He is a great uplifter of my bad days and a bringer of more good on my great days. I love coming home and seeing him happy. But hmmmm, I've owned a couple kittens and one other rabbit years ago.
  4. 's Avatar
    12-11-2019 04:55 AM
    that's lovely. how many furbabies have you had?
  5. 's Avatar
    12-11-2019 04:54 AM
    Yes, his name is Jasper and he's pure black and the best furbaby I've ever had or owned. He's very sweet and good with people.
  6. 's Avatar
    12-11-2019 04:52 AM
    awww you have a pet rabbit! that's sweet!
  7. 's Avatar
    12-11-2019 04:51 AM
    Hello there! I love that emoji you used! It reminds me very much of my perfect pet rabbit.
  8. 's Avatar
    12-11-2019 04:44 AM
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