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Conversation Between Rinni and littl3chocobo
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to of
  1. 's Avatar
    04-07-2012 01:51 AM
    Ohs.... That might make things a bit troublesome; a lot of my charries are/may as well be minors.
  2. 's Avatar
    04-07-2012 01:47 AM
    i have no preferences other than no school/hero rps and i don't play or play with minors
  3. 's Avatar
    04-07-2012 01:44 AM
    *kinda likes having something to study/read about* ^^

    Well, I meant general type of RP, setting situation and the like.
  4. 's Avatar
    04-06-2012 03:04 PM
    i can see XD

    no, i like making cahrs /for/ the rps, it works better that way and less pre-rp studying
  5. 's Avatar
    04-06-2012 01:13 AM

    It's not that good of a search thread. Sorries. ^^; If you have an rp idea, I can come up with which characters would work for it and chu can pick?
  6. 's Avatar
    04-05-2012 09:40 PM
    your rp search thread if you have one
  7. 's Avatar
    04-05-2012 09:14 PM
    Which one? o.o
  8. 's Avatar
    04-05-2012 09:07 PM
    link you your ooc?
  9. 's Avatar
    04-05-2012 08:47 PM
    I think just gen rp for right nows. :3
  10. 's Avatar
    04-05-2012 06:28 PM
    no pairings or general
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