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Conversation Between littl3chocobo and Norri-girl
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to of
  1. 's Avatar
    04-14-2016 01:19 AM
    no worries XD i remember when i used to keep longer hair XD

  2. 's Avatar
    04-14-2016 01:16 AM
    sorry I just now got out of the shower~ I have to split my hair into 4 sections and wash each one individually
  3. 's Avatar
    04-13-2016 11:39 PM
    i also want a reason to post, come on XD we are missing out on event currency!
  4. 's Avatar
    04-13-2016 11:38 PM
    no you need your rest~ I want you to be at the best that you can be~
  5. 's Avatar
    04-13-2016 11:33 PM
    well, i can try to stay up longer? sorry, i am icky XD
  6. 's Avatar
    04-13-2016 11:32 PM
    awww alright I don't think I'll be done by then since I have to detangle and stuff...My hair gets really tangled TTnTT
  7. 's Avatar
    04-13-2016 11:27 PM
    maybe an hour?

    my hair is so greasy it straightens itself XD it's only a puff when it is fresh-washed, hahaha
  8. 's Avatar
    04-13-2016 11:20 PM
    how long are you gonna be on? I have this deep conditioning treatment in my hair and I'm doing laundry....my afro is kinda big now so it takes longer to wash
  9. 's Avatar
    04-13-2016 10:48 PM
    no more than usual X D wanna chat in a thread?
  10. 's Avatar
    04-13-2016 10:34 PM
    awww how did it go? Has your health been deteriorating lately? I'm sorry I've been away so long *Throws hugs and good vibes*
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