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Default   #20   Uzekins Uzekins is offline
Tar looked at the boy like he just did something really weird. In all the times he'd abused him for sex, he'd never done any type of contact like that. When he finished he'd leave, even if the boy hadn't had his release. That's what he was like. He didn't mind but was not used to it. He had chuckled when hearing of the bug stories. He thought he was an actual entertaining drunk, thinking he should let him do that more often. If he wasn't drunk himself he might have gotten offended and left him to die somewhere as he would get a new slave. But since he was drunk, it was no surprise when he had fallen asleep cuddled up on the boy. He woke up later, a little hung over. This meant he was cranky. He pushed the boy off his bed, ordering him to get his damn breakfast and the laundry before they packed up to leave.
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Old Posted 07-30-2011, 12:13 AM Reply With Quote