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Default   #1784   littl3chocobo littl3chocobo is offline
isn't that funny
so... i don't ever see feminists of any ilk use toxic masculinity as short-hand for men=bad. i do however see a lot of people scapegoating all sorts of feminists in an effort to explain who is misusing the term and on occasion i see non-feminists using toxic masculinity as short-hand for men=bad (sometimes while pretend-playing as a feminist though not usually) or female-identifying persons in general making men=bad comments and being called feminist without meeting any of the criteria

feminists believe in equality between the sexes and while the minutia of what that exactly entails makes for different types of feminists(some of whom are rather toxic by virtue of endorsing aspects toxic masculinity/femininity) that core value is shared. men=bad is not even within the ballpark of what feminism has ever stood for in any iteration that has been documented and it's uncomfortable to see feminism thrown under the proverbial bus once again by some random person who does not understand feminism
Last edited by littl3chocobo; 10-11-2019 at 07:26 PM.
Old Posted 10-11-2019, 07:24 PM Reply With Quote