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A1ice A1ice is offline
Default ・゚゚・ Gamer Heaven ・゚゚・ {( Rose x Alice )}   #1  
A pricing ringing echoed in the dark room. Groaning and shuffling on the bed could be heard as a pale hand flopped out of it's warm cave. Slapping around on the table top next to the bed, the hand finally grasped a slim phone.

Rubbing his eyes, Damien glared at the screen. Why did he set an alarm so early again? Noticing the time, he blinked. Ah, nevermind, it was already three P.M.

Closing his phone, the blond stretched. Humming off tune as he sat up, the twenty-eight year old picked up some basket ball shorts by his bed. Having only slept in his briefs, Damien disliked the idea of feeling cold drafts on his thighs.

Sighing as he plopped down shirtless onto his computer chair, Damien placed his headset on after starting the computer. Staring at his duel screens, it took about elven seconds for it to boot.

"Thank god I spent that extra money when building you, I can't stand long booting.", Damien mumbled to his computer, opening an internet explorer.

While checking some social sites, the bleached hair Asian opened another program. This one was a new game he had been playing for a while now, having beta tested it, he decided to stick around.

Quickly typing in his log in information, Damien grinned as 'Atolia' greeted him.

"Hello love, ready to scam and trick even more lonely men~?", he chuckled, loading into the game's world.

▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄IN GAME▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄

Checking the guild list, Atolia frowned. Where the hell was everyone? Sighing, she moved to open her quests. She had to fight a boss today and was hoping to have her guild help. Oh well, she could easily find a tank and damage dealer.

Going to the global chat Atolia scanned the box, no one seemed to be doing the boss yet.. It was high level, but come on. Searching more, the girl pouted, seemed she was going to have to scout.

Typing her message in, Atolia posted; "Looking for team~, healer/mage. Dragon cave quest!".
Chasing White Rabbits
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Old Posted 05-03-2013, 01:22 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #2   Rosekitten Rosekitten is offline
Thorns and Claws

The door slammed as he shut it and the spring was in need of fixing so it didn't catch the door as it should. Alexander sighed as he thought of adding it to the to do list he already had. Nah he'd worry about it later. He was tired from working early that morning and his primary job after that. It was a love hate relationship in the summer. More pay was great, no free time minus when he was exhausted was not.

Dropping the bag he had in his hands on the island counter that he passed by as he walked past. He didn't buy anything that had to be put up right away so he wasn't going to bother with it at the moment. No he was going to sit and take the stress off of his legs at the moment

Getting to the little side room that he called a bed room he flopped finally in the overused computer chair as he groaned a little and the chair squeaked. He needed to put something on that as well to get the squeak to go away.

He was only twenty-three but he felt like a old man at the moment. Working every moment he had free minus when he slept. He had so little free time in the summers. But it was good money and it meant he didn't have to worry about the bills at all. Unlike most people his age he didn't have to depend on a room mate and he had a decent savings account.

Then there was his baby... The computer hummed a little as he pulled the keyboard tray out and tapped one of the keys to get the computer out of sleep mode and smirked at the start up screen. "Maybe just a few hours.. then sleep." He said to no one as he clicked the circle icon at the bottom and checked his emails and a few other social networking sites before tapping the icon to run the game he had stuck with for some time now.

~: In Game :~

Verdia the slayer came across the screen in guild chat. The slayer title being from pvp but the characters gear was almost all end game. Even being a bit on the inactive side during the summers he had managed to make most of the core raids with the guild.

To say the least the character was a high level and the guild tag under the name and title was one of the top five guilds on the server. Ok more like the fifth one but still they got what they wanted done and were respected enough in the community. Not that all of the members were outstanding players or anything. Verdia though was well known for killing other players.

If bored enough anyway. At the moment she seemed bored as there was next to nothing going on in guild from the ten people online and the chat itself seemed to be dead. Normally there was some low level wanting help or someone getting in trouble. Gankers were always the prime target of his blade.

Though that was when the message popped up in the looking for group channel. She seemed to ponder this a moment before sending a tell message to the player requesting help. It was a higher level quest but things should be ok the seeking person was a healer and Verdia was a bit over geared for the quest.

Whisper to Atolia: "I can help if you are still looking, meet me by the caves where the quest starts. Bring some mana pots too you might need them."

There that was done. With that being said she summoned her mount that dropped three raids back and headed towards the cave system. It wasn't too far from here anyway just a bit of travel time. The mount was a rare drop and he was still in shock that he was picked to get it next. Granted he was one of the guilds top meat shields even with his colorful build he had for the character.

Old Posted 05-03-2013, 02:18 AM Reply With Quote  
A1ice A1ice is offline
Default   #3  
Seeing the whisper, Damien chuckled;

"Demanding little shit, huh? Haha, whatever, you are what I'm lookin' for.".

▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄IN GAME▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄

Replying, Atolia grinned; "Wonderful~, and will do! Can't have you dying on me now! ;3".

Mounting up, she took off. He mount wasn't anything rare or fast, sadly, just a fancy mount for looks. Something Atolia planned on changing, since pataince was something she lacked.

Finally reaching the cave after a small stop for supplies, Atolia unmounted in front of Verdia. Giving a action command of waving, the small fox girl grinned.

"Hello~! ❤ Thank you for helping me, being squishy isn't great for soloing quests.", she pouted a little, tilting her head as she studied the elf.

"Hmm, good gear, I spy some rare items in there. Maybe I lucked out. From the look of the character, it might be a women, but most likely a lonely creep who lives with his mom. Maybe even a kid? Dosen't matter, easy prey either way".

Making a pointing command where Atolia's knees bend in as she points, she asks, "Ready~?"
Chasing White Rabbits
( Roleplay searching thread ⇈ )
Old Posted 05-03-2013, 02:59 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #4   Rosekitten Rosekitten is offline
Thorns and Claws

Alex sighed a bit leaning in the chair before plucking his glasses from the desk and putting them on. "Yeah yeah.. have to read chat." He wasn't going to bother with his glasses if he wasn't going to do anything

~: In Game :~

Verida laughed at the thought. Her dying? Only if this Atolia did something like run ahead of her. Either way she had no doubt in her skills and that this should be a fast run through having done the quest before herself.

None the less she waited by the cave. Seemed dead tonight, not even a low level had run by and chat hadn't moved in some time. Though the mini map showed the dot she was grouped with was getting closer.

Verdia was merely standing there with her arms crossed as the fox girl dismounted and walked forward with a wave. She bowed her head in return.

"I'm sure, also being a lower level then recommended by the quest log doesn't help your case either." Verdia pointed out as she noticed the slight level difference. This was some of the newer content so it wasn't too unheard of to see someone not at cap yet.

'why did I agree to this, this person acts like some little kid.. or worse a chick who acts like she knows what she is doing.' she groaned in her thoughts as she turned to start walking towards the cave.

"Ready ready." She spoke drawing her sword and never bothering to pull the shield from her back. If she needed it so be it, till then she was going to have a bit of fun.

The first few waves of monsters were nothing. Warm-ups if anything. Either way she was growing bored with the lack of talking. Trying to stay awake in the real world with being bored in game was not a good combination.

"What quest item are you picking at the end?" Maybe it'd spur a conversation ... that was the thought anyway.

Last edited by Rosekitten; 05-03-2013 at 03:36 AM.
Old Posted 05-03-2013, 03:17 AM Reply With Quote  
A1ice A1ice is offline
Default   #5  
Keeping more focus on the fights, so he wouldn't have to waste mana healing more then he has too, Damien groaned as he saw the chat box move. Weren't they done with small chat? He just wanted to get this done and move on.

▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄IN GAME▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄

"Hmm? Oh I need a dragon's tooth, I need six of them, this will be my last one~.", Atolia smiled, recasting a buff spell that ran out on Verdia.

"I heard this dragon has good drops for mage gear, so I am also hoping for something nice. I got this hat from the last raid here, yesterday, hehe~.", she giggled as she pulled her hat down more.

Noticing her partner's life (having a small dent in it), Atolia waved her staff and chanted something low. Blue and green lights came from around her and circled Verdia for a second before melting into her body. It was a minor healing spell, but it came with a small buff that lasted ten seconds. The buff giving 1o% more amour.

Chasing White Rabbits
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Old Posted 05-03-2013, 03:59 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #6   Rosekitten Rosekitten is offline
Thorns and Claws

Yawning a little he shifted before alt-tabbing from the game to switch songs on the media player he left going on eternal loop before tabbing back in. Not like he was worried, even if he went afk odds were he wasn't going to die till the boss.

~: In Game :~

"Ah I see, could have bought one off the auction house." Though she second guessed that with remembering what mount the character had. Odds were not a lot of gold then.

She thought a moment before pulling her blade free of the last drake hatchling that she had slain. "Hrm... a few drops." She said before cleaning the blade off on the corpse in front of her. Hardly paying attention to her health to be honest. It wasn't low enough to worry about and she had potions with her in case.

"Thanks" She sighed a little walking forward as she thought of something, well they were getting close to the final room of this cave thankfully because her controller was having a hell of a time keeping his eyes open.

"Well .. if the drops suck I have a guild mate who's a tailor. I'll see if there is anything I can get for you to replace the greens you have at least." Not like she had much use for the tailor materials she collected all the time.

Either way they seemed to get to the final area as a large dragon slept in the back of the cave. "Well you ready?" She asked as she drew her shield forward finally. she grinned a little thinking about it. It seemed to be a green dragon and if she remembered they were weak to fire. Oh this was to be fun.

Old Posted 05-03-2013, 04:18 AM Reply With Quote  
A1ice A1ice is offline
Default   #7  
"Auction house? Shesh, who cares, I need experience points. What a drag.", Damien mumbles as he checked his phone. Replying to a text, the male sighed. They needed help at the host bar. Seems he was done after this raid.

▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄IN GAME▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄

"That is true, but I need the experience points as well~. Taking the easy way out will get me under leveled. Besides, I want to try and get a good drop again.", she smiled, using a blast type spell to help kill off two low monsters.

Hearing the offer, Atolia's face brighten, "Oh~! Thanks, I'll make it up by giving you some food. I'm a chief so I can make you a lot of foods that will heal better then pots and give you nice buffs~.", she offered smiling.

Following Verdia, Atolia spotted the dragon. It wasn't an ice dragon, thank goodness. Ice always was a weakness for Atolia, being snared, slowed and such just isn't good when you are needed to be quick to heal.

Nodding her head to Verdia's 'ready?', Atolia recasted their buffs. "After I finish rebuffing so they don't time out in battle, go ahead and go in. I'll debuff it's defense then it's attack.", she typed, casting her last buff on them, getting her debuffs ready.
Chasing White Rabbits
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Old Posted 05-04-2013, 12:01 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #8   Rosekitten Rosekitten is offline
Thorns and Claws

Yawning again he sighed a little rubbing the back of his neck. "Man.. this was a drag.." More like he was too tired to focus on any real conversation points. Either way normally lower levels were chatty or at least a little.

~: In Game :~

"True, I wasn't saying don't try for the drops. But there is a such thing as bad luck heh." She laughed weakly remembering the number of times she had to run this place to get the items she needed at the time. Drop rates were not always on her side.

"Don't worry about it.. I have too much free time so I end up with a stock pile of mats. Besides two birds one stone. My guild mate gets crafting experience and you get some gear." She shrugged a little, she didn't use the materials so why not, and she had not need for more gold so why bother selling them.

"Right.. don't stand in the green shit then." She laughed before charging her first strike and doing a few self buffs and going forward. The dragon rising to stand as soon as she was mid room, just as most of these bosses did.

None the less the dragon roared before taking a few steps forward and meeting the first strike from Verida's weapon. Though a moment after that she smirked before chanting a small verse as a small flame wrapped around her sword and quickly released a fireball at the dragon.

"Element confirmed then.." She typed more as a mental note to herself then to really chat about it. This was one of the newer raids but the dragon could be a random element at the end. This was to be easy it seemed with it being the element weak to fire. Higher level and able to use its weakness against it, where was this challenge.

Though she was holding back, what fun was it to not make the lower level do a little work.

Old Posted 05-04-2013, 12:19 AM Reply With Quote  
A1ice A1ice is offline
Default   #9  
Damien cursed as his phone went off again. Ignoring it, he quickly clicked his mouse, clicking a few keyboard keys as well. Grinning, he began typing with fast ease.

▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄IN GAME▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄

"Ah~, fire is it's weakness", Atolia caught on as she used the same low heal from before, just to give the amour buff to Verdia.

Casting a low fire spell, Atolia aimed it at the dragon. She didn't have much offensive spells, but she had some at least. Casting the spell three more times (it's cool down having low time since it was a weak spell), Atolia used a mana pot. She wasn't too low yet, but she would rather it start going up now then run out and have to wait for it to go into effect.

Using a spell that gave some of her mana to Verdia, Atolia spammed her low fire spell a few times. Waiting for her debuffs to be ready to use again, Atolia glanced at her partner's health; it was barely dented. Grinning to herself the small mage sent some more fire magic at the beast. Seems Atolia wouldn't need to heal Verdia much at all.
Chasing White Rabbits
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Old Posted 05-04-2013, 12:44 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #10   Rosekitten Rosekitten is offline
Thorns and Claws

"Die faster.. damn.." He half complained glancing towards the fridge a little. A drink after this then sleep, he was already staying up past when he should.

~: In Game :~

It was true enough, Verdia was over geared for this. A lower level raid wasn't proving much of a challenge but it was the joyful thought of helping someone.

After a while she found it hard to focus any longer as she stepped back and blocked a incoming tail strike from the dragon. "Ending this." she typed furiously as she waited for the larger spell to be cast and prepared.

Another fire spell, this one stayed with the sword as she darted forward again, avoiding a claw swipe in the process before cutting the back of the dragon's leg and proceeding to do a few more cuts, one to each of the legs and returning to it's front and plunging the sword between two of the large chest scales.

Keeping her shield raised she finished the spell chat as a series of small fire explosions ripped across the areas that she struck at before the final one on the dragon's chest.

The hp bar of the beast plummeted as it fell to he ground and she was already walking towards the still dying beast without a care. Pulling her blade free before putting it back in it's sheath.

Shrugging a little she smiled a bit cockily. "Nothing to it."

Old Posted 05-04-2013, 01:15 AM Reply With Quote  
A1ice A1ice is offline
Default   #11  
"Cocky son of a-."

▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄IN GAME▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄

Watching as the dragon fell, Atolia clapped and jumped up and down a little. Grinning as she typed, "Wonderful! Bravo! Hehe, thanks for the help~!".

Moving to the, now dead beast, Atolia crouched. Gathering her last needed dragon tooth she spotted some gloves that made her eyes sparkled. Looking over the stats, she grinned, just what she needed~.

"Mind if I take these gloves?", the little mage asked, giving a small smile.
Chasing White Rabbits
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Old Posted 05-04-2013, 01:26 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #12   Rosekitten Rosekitten is offline
Thorns and Claws

"Finally, drink time and bed" He yawned again stretching a little. Having to get up in a few hours was going to suck.

~: In Game :~

"Take whatever, I don't need anything here." true enough, she was use to not being asked for items.

"Anyway, I added you to my contacts so I can let you know tomorrow if my guild mate can craft something. Work comes too early to stay up but so long." She sighed a little at the thought.

Old Posted 05-04-2013, 01:38 AM Reply With Quote  
A1ice A1ice is offline
Default   #13  
"Works hm? So not some kid or some guy living with his mom. Hmm, you're actually a chick maybe? Interesting...", Damien mumbled to himself, calling his work as he typed.

▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄IN GAME▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄

"Thanks~!", she smiled, taking no time to grab and equip the item. Turning to her partner, the mage pouted, "Awe~, sorry to hear that..", Atolia frowned since Verdia had to leave.

"Ah, me too! I added you~. Thanks for today, Dai~! <33", she typed out, giving the other a nickname.

Hope you sleep well~!", Atolia smiled, making a waving motion.
Chasing White Rabbits
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Old Posted 05-04-2013, 01:47 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #14   Rosekitten Rosekitten is offline
Thorns and Claws

~: In Game :~

"Not a problem, glad something worthwhile dropped." better luck then she normally had anyway.

She smirked a little as the other seemed sad she had to leave. Ruffing Atolia's hair lightly she shrugged a little. "Bills have to be paid somehow, and this game isn't exactly free." Well it was but she enjoyed collecting her vanity items too much to say it was free.

Though at the other saying a odd name Verdia questioned her. "Dia?" She laughed slightly before shaking her head. "Either way, later and happy hunting."

She typed before using a town scroll so she wasn't in the middle of no where when she logged back in tomorrow. Also it gave her a moment to say night to the guild mates online and then to log off as the words came up that she had done so.

~: Real Life :~

"Ugh finally.." He said standing before going to the fridge like his plans were.

After that was done he pulled his phone free of his pants and set a alarm just incase he didn't get up. All without losing a stride as he pulled his shirt off and all but flopped in the bed.

Sleep.. he wasn't really tired but he needed sleep. Though he didn't really remember the last time he slept well. He was over worked and he knew it. But there was little choice in it seeing as both jobs were minimum pay at best.

Old Posted 05-04-2013, 02:20 AM Reply With Quote  
A1ice A1ice is offline
Default   #15  
Waving, Atolia followed suit. However, she didn't log out. Instead she stood in front of a vendor, shifting back and forth on her heels. Being 'afk' while Damien took care of his work.

▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄REAL LIFE▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄

Sighing, Damien placed his headphones on the desk. Bringing his phone to his face, he quickly dialed the host bar's boss's number. Running a hand through his bleached locks, the male groaned as he stretched. He has sat way too long.

Moving across the apartment (that was much to big for one person), Damien yawned. Right as he reached the large window in his living slash dining room, his boss answered. Quickly talking to the man, Damien soon hung up. The smaller male was never much for talking on the phone, unless it was his mother. Taking note to call him mother later tonight (it would be morning there for her), Damien began to get ready.

Beginning his routine, he started the shower. His prep contained a nice shower, trimming (only his hair, since he lacked hair on his face), hair styling, contacts and some make up. Nothing too over the top, but enough to make sure he got tipped well. Finished with all the above, it was now time to get dressed.

Clothing consisted of tight, black slacks, designer dress shoes, a fitting button shirt (with the first few undone) and a blazer. Once dressed, soon Damien was strolling down the hallway of his apartment complex, on his way to work.
Chasing White Rabbits
( Roleplay searching thread ⇈ )
Old Posted 05-04-2013, 02:39 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #16   Rosekitten Rosekitten is offline
Thorns and Claws

After a few hours the alarm finally went off as Alex groaned and rolled over a little. Someday he'd remember how small this bed was as he ended up in the floor with a thud. "Ugh... fuck.." He hissed moving to get up after a moment and poking the phone so the noise would shut off. He had gotten in late last night he hardly should have played the game but too late now.

Groaning he stood finally and stretched a bit. before yawning a final time. Well might as well get this started. Going about getting a quick shower before taking care of anything else he needed to do. Looking in the mirror he huffed a little at the thought of shaving. It wasn't that bad just a little bit. Though he liked the look none the less. Maybe tomorrow he'd worry about trimming it, not like it was that long anyway. Though it had a bachelors look to it that was for sure.

Either way Alex tossed on a clean shirt, or one he thought was cleaned. He needed to go do the wash again. With that and grabbing his keys and phone he was out the door. His ride there right on time as he got into the car before his friend drove off.

"You look like hell man, did you stay up all night?" Alex laughed shaking his head. "Nah.. just part of it, its alright it's not the busy season just yet." Nah it was the slow part of the season at the moment, just planting some seeds. Though his friend that drove him out of the city to this little extra work they did daily was also his ride to work later this afternoon.

"you get off at 6 right?" Alex nodded to the other. "good, lets go to a club or something, just a small group of us like David and Adam as well." Alex shrugged a little. "Oh come on are you still butt hurt over that chick? She was worthless and you two weren't even together for a week." At that he rolled his eyes and Leaned against the car door not wanting to be reminded or talk about her. His friend was right though.

Old Posted 05-04-2013, 12:18 PM Reply With Quote  


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