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StellarShadow StellarShadow is offline
Barrel of Monkeys
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Ohhh.. That's good. ^^ Maybe it'll be something that will hold my interest then. I don't know when "God Fests" are though.. o.o;;; Wait, so starting monsters aren't good? Sounds kinda like a challenge to make them be good. Of course, I'd see it like that. ^^; Thank you for the link! Though.. For some reason, the site says I'm logged out on that page even though other pages are saying I'm logged in. Kinda odd. I even refreshed it a few times and it still is asking me to log in.

Ohhh.. Now I understand! It's a thingy for watching anime!! ^^ I actually already am happy with the ways I go for watching anime. Don't like the idea of having to sign up for stuff, so I just watch on free sites. Works well enough for me. A trip to Japan sounds like it would be fun. I'd love to go visit that country, but only if I could learn the language and proper manners. I really love how Japanese sounds when spoken.

XD Nice timing with that link. I just found the hangout thread... =w= Yay for exploration!!! But thank you anyway! ... I don't know if saying hi would be okay to do there though..

Ohhh... Ah, the endless shades of various blondness.. Yea, that might be why it looks so orange to me. It's funny how different colors can look just by having a different color next to them.
Old Posted 06-09-2015, 03:37 PM Reply With Quote