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Default   #16   A1ice A1ice is offline
Nah, no big. After rereading through, I grew embarrassed.
I usually give better work, but I guess not roleplaying for a year (or so) now, I just grew sloppy.

I fixed it, but some things are still off, sorry.
I have a horrid problem with mixing tenses, not sure why.
I just feel like it's wrong if it's not in past tense.
(A bad habit, I think. One to match my consist switching of using contractions and then not using them.)

Tell me if something bothers you, heck, quote me to show my mistakes if you must.
Maybe a hard kick to my butt will kick me back into gear.
(Just be gentle? I do have my pride~. (づ  ̄ ³  ̄)づ )
Chasing White Rabbits
( Roleplay searching thread ⇈ )
Old Posted 05-03-2013, 02:29 AM Reply With Quote