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Barrel of Monkeys
The bed was starting to look more and more comfortable by the moment, and Nokra took a breath and held it in for a few moments, before exhaling slowly. Magali left a spot for him on the mattress, but he wasn't tired. More so, he just wanted Magali to have the comfort of a bed to herself for a moment before he slid onto their own mattress and laid himself to rest. "Ho shit, Mags, your face looks like a raspberry with how red it is," Nokra snickered grinning his little grin and nodding a few times at the female Felis. " but in all honesty, there were days I just wanted to shut myself down. Just block everything and just fight in the pits until I died. Then I'd be shoved into the quarters with you, and your kindness keot me going, Mags." He said nonchalantly, a brief shrug rising up and then down, before he slid himself off the desk and stretched; back arching and tongue sticking out of his mouth.

Once her frigid hands locked onto his, Nokra quirked his head to the side as Magali began to speak. More than a fighting machine. It was possible, but sometimes it just didn't feel like that. "Still. I would have liked to play instruments or cook and such. I get that they taught you that for the wrong reasons. But it is better than all I got. You can't really murder someone for people, or disembowel animals for them. Well at least normal people. Not the people from that club. " Nokra snorted and he looked towards the doorway before rolling his eyes. "He was a slave yeah, but look at him. Apparently shit isn't working out for him, post-slavery. Dude is not thriving in the slightest. I'd rather just ask someone like Mendez or the pilot myself."

The moment Magali said she would try and cook sometime, Nokra gripped her hands a little more tightly, and helped her to her feet, his stomach rumbling with anticipation. The felis had a fire in her. And it seemed to just keep him going it seemed. "We can always pay them back i some form or another. I can probably slip into the ship vents and help clean those out or something." Nokra said with a nod, before slipping an arm around her. "Bet you five qantas you can probably outcook anyone on this ship."


Riola let out a deep, tired sigh and made a sign with his fingers over his chest. "Never a good sign when your hear someone that angry. Usually a pretty bad omen, Gato." The Felis himself looked like the life had been drained out of him, and that anger filled his heart too; Riola looking more drained as he noticed Fikri more and more. The whole room's aura just seemed negative and painful, and mixed with those traces of Vail? It was hard to breathe as well.

A ghost ping? That was something hard to explain. It was more superstition than anything to the Edensian, and the last thing Riola ever wanted to do was give Fikri any sort of false hope. "Ghost ping is kinda just...One of those weird things. Old superstition. You can sometimes hear people who've passed on in ships and such, hitching a ride to the afterlife." A small pause. "Fikri, hermano. I. You know I can't say anything like her being a live. She seemed. Rather... Passed on." The desperation was a neon sign on Fikri's face, and brown eyes met with tired Edensian hues. "The only way I could see you seeing her again, is maybe cloning. But even then...Thats Edensian tech. And well. Clones don't get memories. It'd be her, but not her, Gato..."

The Felis however, was ready for war. And Riola could sense it. If anything, maybe a name he could rage against would give him a bit of focus instead of keeping to himself. "Also the two new Felis. Can we trust them? I haven't really met many of them, just listened to the snotty one, and the one on some sorta drugs...."


"Fuckin' hell if I know Ashi. Bitches are bitches. Especially the Faleeshian ones. Lets see how pretty your face is when Atrix is shitting it out." Hyun laughed, before adjusting her coat and looking towards Shaldag for a moment, waiting for his opinion on the situation. He had never mentioned anything about Hyun's appearance, and it had just dawned on her. Shaldag, however didn't take the bait and kept himself focused on Ashi.

"I can last a bit without it. Let's keep your pain to a minimum." Shaldag said with a shrug, finally beginning to move. The plan was to bother the others for another ride, right? "We should probably start getting shit together this time around, Hyun. I don't like being unarmed like we were with these people." Shaldag added, grunting and taking a deep breath; while Hyun nodded in agreement.

"Let's head to my suite then. Can just relax in there while Eight-legged terror eats someone, and then hit up Rosalind again. Poor cunt looked like she was gonna die when she was done flying. Girl needs a copilot or something."
Old Posted 09-28-2017, 03:23 PM Reply With Quote