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Default   #2   Forsaken Forsaken is offline
It started out with six friends. She was a small town girl, turned big city newbie.She never really got the ropes on the new town, and was very impressionable.He found her out, and introduced her to his other friend. He developed quick feelings for her, but painfully noticed her interest in-Him. He was the pretty boy, and bigtime player. He always had a new, really hot girl. But the one girl he wanted that he could never get was-Her. She was self confident, and kind of a bitch. She took Her under her wing, and continued to ignore Him. She was far more interested in-Him. Now, he was an interesting piece of work.. He was definitely a badass by nature, and was great friends with Her, but the thought never really occurred to him that he could think of her as more. He simply enjoyed not really going after any girl.. But he did have a big thing for-Her. She was the nerdy music junkie. She hates Her... Why? well, because the clumsy girl took the focus off of her. He went out with Her before She came along. And five years down the road... none of them are friends. But all of them still live their lifestyles. How? Well, they've all become very attractive, and around 17-18-19 years of age.. There's money in the modeling business. So, they dress up as emo kids, and pose with Hello Kitty, Daggers, and all that other shit to make a buck, y'know? But, if you saw an old friend in the mag every now and than.. What would you feel?

Intro/The Big Picture/You Come In/Rules/Profile Skels/Forecast/Reserved/Reserved.
"And through the heavy tears I cry,
Thine rancid soul; I crucify.
And then in Lucifer's arms, you'll lie,
Dear Child, where you belong."
Last edited by Forsaken; 03-17-2011 at 05:26 PM.
Old Posted 03-17-2011, 04:58 PM Reply With Quote