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Default   #2   Tiva Tiva is offline
Lynx Rufus
So, some FYI's here for someone with a closely related degree.
If you want to do Social Work it is incredibly rewarding but long hours ad not great pay. You also will have to pass a test in the state you work in.
Sociology is a lot of math, reading and analyzing and a lot less of helping people. Most on my classes involved Analyst positions and I have a few old classmates working as User Experience Analysts.
If you work as a School Councilor you will mostly deal with children that are having issues in classes, and if you are in high school you will deal with a lot of college admissions help. You get to be on their schedule but you are also subjected to their pay which depending on what state you are in isn't much.
There are a lot of negatives about each thing but you need to look at everything and put yourself first. Your SO will be able to cope with moving, and if your goal is social work then you need to pursue it and move colleges.
Old Posted 06-22-2016, 03:40 PM Reply With Quote