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Two Fish
----- T H A G H N E E L -----

The Kraileck was shocked at the amount of support she'd gotten from her new friend. If she could call him that so soon. "On Kanna, we have plants that will make your hairs stand on end. Herbs that will make you see into other dimensions. Plants that will heal any ailment. Mental or physical." She thought about her planet pridefully. "In fact, my parents sent me with several seeds... If I can grow them, I could make a tea that would kick this Chellix into gear." She said quietly, trying not to seem overcompensating. "Its customary to give seeds as gifts there." She added on quietly.

She blushed at the mention of Zeke covering her food. She wasn't sure what to say or how to take the offer. "What sorts of things do you have to eat here?" She thought about the food on Kanna. It was rich and spicy. She couldn't bare the food on her trip. It was bland and doughy. She wondered what sorts of money she really could make from her plants.

----- M E E Q A -----

She lit up, wondering how intense of an art student Magali really was. "Archaic Sketching? What sorts of software does it use?" She grinned, honestly curious. "And no - I'm definitely not taking that." She chuckled softly. "I am taking Impressionism, uhm... Post-Modern Dance Appreciation, and something for robotics. Which I'm not too stoked about." She grimaced. At the mention of Class Acts again, her bulbs brightened.

"Yes! Class Acts is great. Plus we could get in for free." She winked. "Especially if you're thinking of dancing with us." Meeqa grinned, still oblivious to Magali's true intentions. Not that she would judge her either way. The place was just a thirty second walk down the accelerated walkways. "But make sure you've soaked this all in, 'cus you might be staying here a lot." She took a deep breath of the paint infused air. A painter next to them turned his bubble off and started packing up. They looked at the two observers with anxiety and packed up quicker. Sometimes its easy to get lost in those noise bubbles.
Old Posted 09-24-2017, 11:19 PM Reply With Quote