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sylvanSpider sylvanSpider is offline
Weaver of Webs
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Magali didn’t know what to expect with freedom. She’d lived with her master as a kitten until she was sold to the club and was almost always provided for, provided she did the work to deserve it. It was true that her first master would force her into periods of fasting if she didn’t eat, but she knew that she would never starve. Then, with everything coming together the way they did, she just sort of hoped that everything she needed for survival would just sort of fall into place. “Well, I’m not going to stand in the way of you getting to sleep in a bed.” With her line of work, sleeping in a bed was common, though it was never with someone of her choosing. Regardless, the nights that she was rented away for the entire evening, she generally did wind up in a bed with whomever had enough qanta. Other nights she was with Nokra on the floor, a preference of hers, though she would have much rather had him next to her rather than her horny renters.
“If it’s all the same to you, Nokra, I’d uh… rather not be neighbors with them on the uh…off chance—or maybe not off chance—that she does decide to eat him,” Magali said with reigned murmur. Sexual groans were nothing foreign to her, but flesh ripping screams were sounds that she did not wish to become acquainted with. She pointed at a random door somewhere between the kitchens and Fikri’s room simply under the assumption that he wouldn’t be getting any nightly visitors.
“Mmm,” Ashi sighed happily as Hyun moved in to pay attention to her. It seemed strangely out of character for the woman to be doting on anything, but Ashi would take it while it was there. She knew the quick peek at Hyun’s cleavage was intentional and she bit her lip, grateful. “The crowd loved it though, didn’t they?” She offered a grin, though it had everything but her usual charm. Her teeth were red and her lip was split in several places, both eyes were black. Ashi winced as her arm was dangled before her, not that it actually hurt (she was too drugged up for that), but the sight of it and knowing that it would hurt later made her want to puke.
“When will I get inked?” This was one aspect the former princess didn’t think of. “What does it look like?” She didn’t realize that being a ganger would be so…conspicuous. But when she thought about it, it made sense. Still, if she got marked up before the video, she could only imagine her father’s reaction. His obedient darling, a ganger. The thought was tantalizing, but she’d want to wait a little bit now before filming. She was nowhere near camera ready anymore.
Old Posted 09-21-2017, 12:59 AM Reply With Quote