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Default   #12   sylvanSpider sylvanSpider is offline
Weaver of Webs
Kastivi, too, was happy to find someone in a similar situation that she found herself in. She'd been training under Arabella for over a decade and she was getting frustrated by the fact that she still wasn't considered good enough to have gotten out of her apprenticeship. She'd seen other Daughters pass their training after a year, maybe two—and Kastivi felt like her skill level was already far above those. Still, Arabella held on, and Kastivi kept to her training as per usual. Maybe it was due to the fact that Arabella liked Kastivi, or maybe it was because Arabella thought that she was capable of doing more than what she'd seen and was pushing her for that, but it was frustrating nonetheless. Even if she was to relinquish her apprenticeship, she would probably still be sectioned with Arabella. There was no denying that the Daughters worked well together, and every mission thus far had been a success. Now she was offering the knight a grin, putting what he'd said about witches behind her as he was a reformed man, “Creativity is always a good thing, and it's one of those things that Ara encourages so long as it isn't rash. It seems like you know how to use it.” She laughed, “I wouldn't mind it myself if you were to teach me some of those techniques!”

Kastivi blinked, looking over at Wisp who had been sitting there the entire time. She was still trying to figure out if she really liked Wisp or really didn't, and tried to keep an open mind despite her master's obvious distaste for the dark mage. Laughing, she pointed a finger at Christoval, 'Looks like I'm not the only one given things to do. I always get homework on the not as physically demanding days...” She could feel her eyes widen involuntarily seeing her spit up blood and she handed over a kerchief she'd kept in her pack, “Whose...whose bones were you trying to break?” She didn't say anything to the latter comment, thankful that Arabella took a somewhat more egalitarian approach in training her. The halfling always carried her own pack, packed her own things, ordered or made her own food. She was completely self-sufficient—sufficient enough that Kastivi at times thought that she was doing little but weighing her master down.

“Well, homework on bettering yourself sounds like a normal enough order for me. Actually, when you're done with that book, I wouldn't mind reading it if you'd be kind enough to lend it to me, Wisp?”
Old Posted 01-03-2018, 06:24 PM Reply With Quote