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Two Fish
Ino hearkened a deep hurt in his heart. He tried his best to cover it up through small achievements, such as bounties, or drugs. As a hunter, there was no stigma associated with long lasting intoxication. In fact, it was expected. With the crumpled up head shots in his pockets, he weaved through the stadium hall now. He may have passed Marco without knowing it, his scent bubbling all around the venue. Quash did his best to remain obedient, a flickering tongue showing in his anxiety. It was hard not to jump on every sentient being in the room.

They were shoulder to shoulder, forcing their way into crowded seats. The stadium was huge, the highest seats needing screens to be able to capture the action so far below. Luckily, Ino would be down there soon enough. He was just gathering his sights since he'd signed in early. A loud chatter filled the room, echoing with life. From the top spot here, someone could easily snipe Marco... He needed to make sure that he got to Marco first. Hopefully, he'd come back like he intended. Ino made his way back down, much to Quash's dismay. Ino had to tug him from several unsuspecting guest's knees.

The ticket booth was still backed up with a long line that led back to the entrance hall. He wasn't looking forward to seeing the stadium packed even further. He imagined the roar of the audience like a tsunami washing over him as he aimed his pistol. Each time he pictured it, his hand shook like a chihuahua. His eyes were on the target, but his mind was on Marco. He imagined the man seated right behind him, and then - poof! He was gone. If he didn't get this big one, maybe he'd get the twins. He pulled out the images of the twins again, making his way back stage with the other contestants. They were so young... And so dangerous.

In just an hour, the show would begin. People from all over the galaxy were taking their seats now.


Tennan smiled sadistically, allowing him to kiss her hand. She nodded. "Yes, and you must be the esteemed Damon Orovoro." She giggled. "I'm your biggest fan. Actually, both of you." She turned her metal face towards Roek now. "What's your favorite sort of explosive? I love dark matter frags." She gave a toothy grin, sinking her teeth into the soft flesh of success. She wanted to reel them in, as she did all of her victims. Their youth became even more apparent as she closed in, finding it almost endearing. So much destruction for such young fellows. It must've been part of that twin power.

If she could find them vulnerable or asleep, she would have a chance. She wasn't afraid of dying anymore. And if it was by the hands of these two pirates, maybe she could go out with a bang. As if on command, the bang of the Gunslinger's Hot Shot competition exploded through the hallways. It was about to begin, and the entire venue was reminded of that. "You going to watch the competition?" If she had eyebrows, she would've raised them in peaked curiosity. Instead, she remained smiling. "You guys like Anisum?" She dug a small tube from her dress' hidden pocket, displaying it nonchalantly as the rest of her customers found their way out. Most of them probably were finding their way towards the stadium.
Old Posted 12-31-2017, 05:35 PM Reply With Quote