Thread: War Game. [M]
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Default   #2   Zika Zika is offline
Addicted to Trisphee

♔ ♖ ♗ ♘ ♙ ♚ ♜ ♝♞ ♟

Rules of the War Games.:
- Even though this is a war based roleplay, keep violence PG/14 and keep to the Trisphee rules.
- Keep cussing PG/13.
- Gore is allowed, just don't go extreme with it.
- Females are allowed in the army.
- Antior soldiers wear black armor, Plyx soldiers wear white armor. No exceptions.
- PM me your character profiles, title the PM "We will fight, but what's the cause?"
- Romance is allowed.
- One liners are a HUGE FREAKING NO. You get one warning, and then you're out! No "if", "and"'s, or "but"'s.
- Minimum post length is three lines. Not sentences. LINES. Paragraphs are preferred.
- There are NO guns/firearms of ANY kind.
- I can add more rules when ever I want.
- I am not your English teacher, but use as close to correct grammar and spelling as you can.
- Your character can have one power as long as it's not OP or stupid, I'll be the judge on each.
- What I say goes, I am the white and the black queen.

♔ ♖ ♗ ♘ ♙ ♚ ♜ ♝♞ ♟

Character Skeletons.:
Username- {Your username here}
Name- {Your character's name here}
Gender- {Your character's gender here}
Age- {Your character's age here, ages 18+ only}
Personality- {Your character's personality here}
Appearance- {Picture and a short description, or a description}
Background- {Your character's background, five sentences at the least}
Rank- {Pawn, Knight, Bishop or Rook}
Citizenship- {Antior or Plyx}
Weapon- {Weapon here}
Fighting style- {Self-explained}
Other- {Anything else you want to add}
Old Posted 08-23-2012, 03:00 AM Reply With Quote