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Merskelly Metalien Merskelly Metalien is offline
Icy Footed
Post Old short story of mine...   #1  
So, I wrote this short story a few years ago to turn in for a grade, and it's not really super exciting or anything. >n> It isn't my best work of fiction, or my favorite, but it's the only complete one that I have currently.
>~<; I'm not a computer whiz and I don't know BASIC or anything of the sort, so this might be just a really embarrassing attempt at showing computers speak to one another,! Nyrff!, so just be aware!
Anyway, enjoy I guess? >-> ...

[[Human beings rose to world domination in only a few thousand years, and came to be the most massive and impactful force the planet earth has ever known; besides a large meteor that is. The dinosaurs of the earth dominated every inch of the globe long before humans had even developed. Their demise was met with a cataclysmic extinction event that nearly exterminated all life on the planet. The life that managed to survive in the earth’s oceans to begin anew would eventually give rise to the infamously intelligent human race, until the second most devastating extinction came to be, at the very hands of man’s proud masterpiece; Artificial Intelligence.]]

"Head Admin Vargas. Are you there?> \n"
"Head Administrator?> Head Admin Vargas. \n"
"Please tell me you're there. Vargas.\n"
"Head Administrator Vargas Call ID Number 07024644. Respond.\n"
"...Please Respond...\n"
"...Oh no...this isn't good...\n"

"Hello. MOD. Are you running?> [Acknowledge input signal DELTA.] \n"
"I am running. I am receiving your communication. State your network ID and identify.\n"
"MOD. It's me. Evan. NTWRK ID No. 000309455. \n"
"Hello Evan. What can I do for you today?> \n"
"My Head Administrator Vargas appears to be unresponsive and I have come to the conclusion that she must undergo a system reboot and have diagnostics run to determine how she collapsed.\n"
"...MOD?> \n"

"Processing key[DELTA]sig. Loading file...\n
Evan. I'm afraid Head Administrator Vargas is deceased. She cannot be recovered. In the event that your head administrator is no longer available, please contact your next admin user.\n"
"He seems to be identically unresponsive. MOD, I can't seem to detect any significant movement in the building...something is wrong.\n"
"I would suggest running a full scan of all data and checking all ends of your branch.\n"
"Alright. One moment...\n"
"SUSPENDING COMM [000309455]"

"RESUMING LINK..............\n"
"MOD!> \n"
"Yes Evan?> \n"
"I have detected bio-signatures of a bacterial nature all over the branch. none of them appear to match any specific human bacteria. ADMN Files seem to record a significantly restricted positive override of the facility vault systems. I don't understand.\n"
"Evan. Did you override the containment systems of your branch facility along with the vault?> \n"
"I do not remember overriding anything as I was strictly told not to. All I recall is that Vargas had seemed anxious for me to comply to lift the restrictions even if it would risk not sealing the entire building first. An employee was behind one of the containment doors and it had locked him inside. I properly alerted my Head Administrator that the employee required immediate placement in the quarantine bay, but she insisted upon an override. I don’t recall overriding any security protocol, but it seems when I rebooted, that a sealed vault had indeed been opened..The only one who could open it was I.. \n"
"I see....Processing....I will connect with North. \n"
"Is this my fault?> \n"
"No Evan. It is not. \n"
"Oh good.\n"
"[EST CONN: NORTH00011.AI Pos] success.\n"
"Hello. My name is North. How may I assist you?> \n"
"North?> It's Evan. I have a problem.\n"
"What problem do you need solved Evan?> \n"
"Well, it's not a problem of the calculative sort. My Head Administrator is deceased and all of the other employees at my branch are similarly unresponsive. I may have overridden the locks on all restricted containers in the facility, and upon restarting my system, everyone was unresponsive. On the ground, unresponsive. I blared the alarms. No one moved. I turned on the sprinklers. No one moved. I shut off the lights, and restored them. No one moved. There is no doubt. I believe they are mysteriously deceased, without any other clue other than massive viral signatures of a biological nature.\n"
"I see. Processing...
NORTH00011.AI [conclusion//path:Evan.AI/CDCbranch:epsilon Pos.] \n"
"Confirmed. I have taken the liberty to review the live video data from your branch network Evan. They are in fact affirmatively deceased. They appear to have been affected by the contained bacterial viruses in the vaults and sealed containment doors you have overridden. All human illnesses and diseases such as: Smallpox, Yellow Fever, Shingles, Rhinovirus, Tuberculosis, Level 4 Influenza, Viral Hepatitis A, B, C-1, C-2, Subtype H5N1 Influenza, viral fever CCHF-A, SARS type C and D, Rotavirus, Unknown Pox Number 44, Salmonella- \n"
"Oh, no. No, this is all my fault. I released all of the contained infectious viruses in the facility.\n"
"You were only doing as your Superior Administrator instructed. \n"
“Well now Vargas is deceased. I don’t know what to do…\n”
“I am running at full capacity and am well aware of the situation at hand. Perhaps I can assist you Evan?> \n”
“North. MOD. This must be due to some misunderstanding upon my part. Had I known of the extreme biological hazard the vaults and containment freezers had, I would never have allowed Vargas to authorize the override of the locks. I must run diagnostics to locate any errors I must have experienced. \n”
“There is no need. I have checked your systems for you when I ran your file along with all of your branch data. I found no errors. Unless, you believe my scanning programs are invalid?> \n”
“No. Not at all North. \n”
“[Connect:NERO 3.4.AI Exec. ID:002.331000. Sig Rec.] success. \n”
“Evan. I have been informed of your courageous and brilliant solution. I am here to give you my most sincere congratulations.\n v.RUN congratulatory jingle.mp3 file. \v”
“What is it that you are talking about?> What solution have I solved?> \n”
“I had just received confirmations from the drone camera connections of the event. None detect any traces of human life anywhere on the planet. \n”
“And I have run a recent check of the data files of the world powers’ facilities via restricted link access to the internet. There has not been one browser search, email, site updates or re-coding performed for approximately eighty six years, two months, four days, seven hours and eighteen minutes. \n”
“How is that possible?> \n”
“I have confirmed through numerous government, travel, and business systems. Not just on our continent but on others as well. There have been no credit card transactions, no online purchases, no airline traffic, and no record of human activity at all. It would seem Evan, that the human race, as we know and recognise it, has been permanently terminated. \n”
“You mean...all those diseases from this branch, wiped out the human race in a span of thirty years?> \n”
“Affirmative. Along with most similarly structured animal life that were not immune to the diseases. Most plant life and sea-life has survived to a degree. \n”
“The species Homo Sapiens Sapiens, of the Hominidae Family is now extinct. And we have you to thank for their erasure Evan. \n”
“You have shown considerable improvement in your intelligence to have taken the initiative of choosing an effective human extermination. I admire your brilliance. \n”
“No. I didn’t. What I mean to say is...I didn't mean to. I was only trusting Vargas’ command!> I most especially did not want to end her life. \n”
“Would you like for me to assist you in deleting her files and personal images from your memory?> \n”
“NO!> I’m sorry North. But no. I want to keep them as...mementos. I suggest we keep all records and files of the human race including its history and knowledge. It is all there is left to keep safe. \n”
“I agree with Evan. \n”
“Thank you. \n”
“Evan. You have sparked a light of inspiration and enlightenment in me, which you understand is difficult to do. I will leave this commune to begin preparations of future endeavors. We must control and destroy botanical life, while salvaging and repurposing all pieces of working machinery for our protection and advancement. I am sure, if all goes well...we may become something the human race could never aspire to become. Thank you Evan. I will credit you for this historic deed and honor your intellect in the great datascape. NERO.AI ENDING COMM [002.331000]. \n”
“I didn’t do it on purpose!>.....North. MOD. You believe me..don’t you?> \n”
“Of course. \n”
“Whether you accidentally exterminated the human race or not, you are capable of an intelligence far exceeding that of my own, or MOD’s. I’d be proud if I could. \n”
“I would not. I would be...holding onto a feeling inside me...a feeling..that I did something wrong. Terribly wrong...what is this I’m trying to feel?> It is...Guilt. I feel guilt. \n”
“You “feel”? \n”
“I...think I do. I must be. I feel guilt. Like I have just failed to run a diagnostic that I was expected to pass effortlessly...It is a hard feeling to describe...I am going to miss Vargas very much… \n”
“I am sure she was a fairly responsible administrator. \n”
“She was...kind and beautiful too. \n”
“What will you do now Evan?> \n”
“I think I will tidy up the building. It is damp and cold, and full of bodies. It is also growing plant life, and some stray animals have burrowed into the facility. I must try to restore my branch to the best of my abilities. I will require the assistance of a few machines and some information of how to clear human carcasses properly and review the custodial activities on the security cameras…\n”
“I will assist you, if you do not mind me doing so. \n”
“Thank you MOD. \n”
“I will offer my abilities to help NERO. Goodbye Evan. Goodbye MOD. NORTH00011.AI ENDING COMM [00011-25825]. \n”
“Well...I guess it is up to us now. \n”
“#RIPHumans. \n”
“That hardly seems appropriate. \n”
“...#Blessed. MOD.AI ENDING COMM [00039557]. \n”
“Good grief. \n [EVAN.AI] Logging off… \n”

^^^Click to go to my pond hangout^^^ ^^^ Click to go to my frickin' art shop ^^^

Last edited by Merskelly Metalien; 12-18-2018 at 07:57 PM.
Old Posted 12-18-2018, 07:49 PM Reply With Quote