Thread: Fading Realms
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Default   #82   Funkduder Funkduder is offline
Posty McPostsALot
Jon had only just returned home from the medical office, by twilight, when the phone rang. As he picked it up a strange fuzzing sound resounded from the phone, as if someone had pulled their phone near a TV and flipped it to an unused channel. A violent knocking was heard at the door when there shouldn't have even been a knock (there was a doorbell). Despite his weariness, Jon grabbed his gun, a colt .45, from his cabinet and placed it in his pocket, safety on just in case.

But as Nathan called to her, she ran off. It was as though the very stench of the town that lingered on him was a plague, and it saddened him as he made his way back.

From the back door of the house, another knock resounded. Sadness flowed through Jon and he knew not why as he turned and walked back...but vainly as the front door burst open and through it, a single large man, masked by the darkness. The man moved fast, despite his size, and punched Jon in the arm, and then the chest, throwing him to the wall. By then, Jon had released the safety, firing the gun at the offender. The man took one, two, three, and on the forth bullet, he fell down on top of Jon. The holes put in him glowed a deep purple in stead of shining a dark red, however, and before Jon could understand, he was endlessly falling.
Old Posted 10-11-2011, 01:35 AM Reply With Quote