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SUBJECT: Re: A new form of energy?!
AUTHOR: Dr. Albert Wily
DATE: February 20, 20XX
FORMAT: Plain Text

Further experimentation revealed multiple local maxima. So far discovered 7 distinct spectral peaks distributed unevenly across visual spectrum. (Investigate: Infrared? Ultraviolet? Non-photonic energy signatures?) Provisionally labeling peaks as red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet based on nearest classical color names. (Investigate: Violet field has single distinct spectral line when analyzed but appears magenta (which would have two lines) to naked eye. Psychovisual effect? Retinal interference?)

Informal experiment: Attempt to manipulate energy fields with personal thought patterns. Green field demonstrated most visible results. Orange field also responded but more difficult to achieve specific response.

Difficult to analyze results. Genetic algorithm yielded highly optimized code with no obvious human-readable structure. Trying to reverse engineer. May need to use empirical methods instead. Will follow up with holovid.

To do: Write academic paper. Submit when governmental interference is no longer an issue. Peer review probably unlikely. Going to need to do real-world validation instead.

SUBJECT: Re (2): A new form of energy?!
AUTHOR: Dr. Albert Wily
DATE: February 20, 20XX
FORMAT: Holovid

Dr. Wily's terse note-taking style is in distinct contrast to the verbosity of his holovid recordings. The attached video is taken from a hand-held camera, so his energetic pacing is only visible as a bobbing of the picture within the capsule. If he looked manic in the video two days prior, now he looks like he's fallen far into the madness of inspiration, with unkempt hair and wide eyes.

"I have no idea what I'm working with! As a scientist that's EXCITING! Truly remarkable, I'm the first to ever research this. What kinds of experiments can I run to learn more about this? As I said in my notes, I may need to use empirical methods, because looking over the data isn't telling me much of anything. There are clearly qualitative differences between the evolved AIs, but I can't pinpoint the distinction from this mess of numbers.

"I tried connecting a couple of the AIs to a chat terminal, but what do you ask an experimental program with no relationship to known phenomena? Hmm. Maybe I'll build some new Robot Masters and run one AI in each one. One more with my normal AI foundation as an experimental control. Set them up to interact with the world and see what personalities evolve. I don't know what to expect! It makes me giddy to think about it!

"I'm trying not to think about the philosophical implications of this discovery. Can't afford to get distracted when there's so much work to be done." He pauses as a thought strikes him. "I need to think about what to name it! I'm the rightful discoverer! Calling it 'The Glow' feels too unscientific. 'The Wily Effect'? Maybe. I do like the sound of 'the green Wily field'." He shakes his head, dismissing the thought as he realizes it's exactly the kind of off-topic train of thought he was trying to avoid. "Science first, Albert! Learn what it does, THEN name it."

The crazed grin on his face turns a little more wicked.

"Time to design some robots."

The holovid shuts off.

Word Count: 942
Total Words: 1714

Well, I'm caught up for day 1, right in time for midnight of day 3 to start.
Games by Coda (updated 4/15/2024 - New game: Call of Aether)
Art by Coda (updated 8/25/2022 - beatBitten and All-Nighter Simulator)

Mega Man: The Light of Will (Mega Man / Green Lantern crossover: In the lead-up to the events of Mega Man 2, Dr. Wily has discovered emotional light technology. How will his creations change how humankind thinks about artificial intelligence? Sadly abandoned. Sufficient Velocity x-post)
Old Posted 11-03-2017, 01:25 AM Reply With Quote