Thread: #1ReasonWhy
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Rosekitten Rosekitten is offline
Thorns and Claws
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Actually I'm going to be one of the artists for the company a group of us are making. That's what I plan to change my major to when I get back into college as well. As far as games I play.. I tend to play MMO's the most or games that my husband and myself can play with our friends through a private server. As far as non MMO's mainly Harvest Moon, though I do enjoy a slue of other games. (I tend to stay away from games where the woman all dress as sluts -.- that or it better have a darn good story for me to put up with the eye sore.) As far as my thoughts on the label... I normally don't go about blabbing I am a girl in MMO's your asking for trouble than and any of the females who do that just want attention if you ask me. I use to work in GameStop and I know very well how I was treated by my fellow co-workers. At the least the customers were mostly nice. Seeing as I knew the material I was talking about a lot of times I think I scared the guys off actually... Though it is funny to watch some guy walk from one end of the store to the other just to talk to a male that was working. x'D
Old Posted 11-28-2012, 04:15 PM Reply With Quote