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Lynx Rufus
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Ari stood tall near the door of the council room, they were arguing with the White lotus member again. Probably about the Avatar, it was always what they argued about. Shifting her eyes down under her mask she looked at her nails drawing out small sparks of fire from her finger tips. She was one of serval guards on duty waiting for their council member to emerge. Counting the heads she noticed that the Earth Kingdom representative only brought one guard today, the weaker earth bender was standing by a column looking lost with out it's partner.

She knew no names of the other guards, the 3 water benders, two northern water tribe guards one the southern guard, the now one earth bender who protected the king's lackey from the council, and the one younger White louts guard.. not that the council member needed a guard.. they were perfectly capable of protecting themselves along with the rest of the council if an attack came. The Air bender never brought a guard, it was against their religion or something. Snorting a small puff of smoke went out her nose alerting her partner that she was bored. He nudged her side glaring as if to say, you shouldn't be here anyway so stop acting so haughty. Which was true... she was the youngest personal guard in the whole republic city force, but she was a good fire bender and bending even a small bit of blue flame made her extremely valuable.

Glazing over her eyes Ari went back to what had brought her here. She was only 19, but the Army started her off young.. about 6 thanks to her father being the head of the army. She would run away from her cousins, the next Fire lord's daughter and several other important figures. She didn't want to learn how to be a proper lady she wanted to be around her aging father and learn how to fight so she could be round him even more. Her parents were older, she was a full 30 years younger than her cousin, the next fire lord. They had thought her mother was incapable of bearing children, but along came Ari after a risky pregnancy. She was a miracle to her parents and she wanted to spend as much time with them as possible. She would watch father train the armies of men that protected the fire lord and helped keep peace over the nation's waters and trade routes. For days on end she would just watch and at night practice the stances that her father had taught them. She was good, for a child and the fire lady noticed that making sure that she and her cousins all went to fire bending classes to training in the art. But her father was old, and once she turned 16 he retired to avoid favoritism in her assignment.

But some how she still turned out here, in Republic city one of the most important places in the world. Hearing the doors open Ari snapped back to attention her head jerking up right to wait for the fire nation council member to appear, hopefully they had got what they wanted.
Old Posted 06-12-2012, 12:47 PM Reply With Quote