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PurpleBox PurpleBox is offline
Ho! Miscreant!
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Ian didn’t correct him, as it was true. The ginger haired man also nodded in agreement to why the man had been left out here. “Probably blindfolded and brought out… walked around in circles to confuse ‘im.” He muttered with a sour look on his face.

“Come up to the roof after the check in...You can only miss so many before they get suspicious yeah?” Ian said as he cracked his neck. Jogging up the stairs he made it to his and Tristan’s small apartment to find his brother still sleeping on the couch. Taking off his backpack and hiding his weapons away Ian gently shook his brother.

“Tris… Tristan… come on Pup time for Check In.” Ian shook his brother awake who let out a tired and sad sound as he curled in on himself… Ian looked up and noticed that the cupboards didn’t look disturbed which meant that Tristan had skipped a meal… again…

Pulling one of the apples out of his backpack he shook his brother again, biting into the apple so the juice ran down it before he held it under Tristan’s nose. That got the sleepy and hungry blond up. As Ian went about changing his clothes Tristan eat the apple with a half asleep expression.

The young blond skipped meals sometimes and it bothered Ian that his brother did that… eat like they were still outside the walls and didn’t know where their next meal came from… The check ins where twice a week where rations of food and drinking water were handed out. There where cominual showers for men and women as the apartments and housings didn’t have working water. At least nothing you’d want to shower in.

The McLocke siblings were changed in some average looking clothes, worn and dirty as they headed towards this Sector’s check in area. A small park that at one point had been beautiful and full of life, was now drab and grey, sure some trees remained but they were wilting, dying more and more each year.

Ian made sure he had his and Tristan’s papers ready for scanning and checking when they got there. “Sure you don’t want to sign him up for the school? There’s always openings.” A female soldier said with a even smile. Ian shook his head.

“I’m sure… Tris is shy… doesn't like to get out much...wouldn't be any good for our protectors.” Ian knew what to say… Tris wasn’t that shy… but the blond boy knew to act like it, sticking to his brothers side and smiling shyly at the right time. Soon enough the brothers were carrying their two bags of rations back to their apartment, it was dried foods and bottles of water that had been cleaned. It seemed they got the lucky bag as the one with the food contained a chocolate bar. The sight made Ian’s mouth water… but he knew he’d let Tristan have it. Knowing his brother he’d share it with the youngest kids in the apartment.

“Eat and run again Pup, got a surprise for ya on the roof...bring your pamphlets…” Ian said and Tristan looked both confused and curious. After scarfing down their food the brothers joged up to the roof, Tristan holding the pages he’d been teaching himself with close to his chest.
Old Posted 06-06-2018, 01:52 AM Reply With Quote