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Default   #24   Rosekitten Rosekitten is offline
Thorns and Claws
He never said a word as she seemed to come to and instantly in the same breath question what he was doing here. Her mother or rather the human that had been taking care of her tried to talk her into calming down a few moments. After she seemed to settle again the woman sighed heavily before speaking to her. "He's here because without him you would.. well... we'er not sure what would have happened but the beings you saw before you were here were very real. They mean you harm." The woman looked down for a few moments, this was hard to have to give her up after all of these years.

"The man over there you were questioning is your guardian, he's been assigned to protect you from when you were a child... I know this is a lot to take in all at once but you have to believe me dear.." She waited to let the girl take in some of the information before going on. "Most of what you want to know can be explained once you are safe again, back where you really came from." The expression from the still confused and shocked girl was enough to tell the woman what she needed to know.

"Your not from this realm.. all the stories of magic that humans tell children.. they are all true." Well mostly true some things weren't "Your not human.. but we don't have time to explain everything here. We've done our job to protect you and to be your parents over the years. Trying to give you as best of a life as we could.. but you have to go back to your real home. I know it seems like you've been followed by sir Alton over here.. but he was only doing it to ensure you stayed safe."

She waited another moment to let the girl get out any words she had before going on a last little bit. "Please try to understand.. this was all to protect you, your already starting to remember your past. Your dreams from the sounds of it. Alton told me you mentioned one, if you stay here they will get worse and there will be no answers to be found here. But also the longer you remain here the more danger you put yourself in." Thats all the woman could say, it was a lot to take in at one time but it needed to be said. The girl needed to trust Alton and thats all there was to it.

It wasn't done to hurt her or to make her more confused, but there was no way to avoid it. The woman knew the girl better then anyone and she needed to be told.
Old Posted 02-07-2012, 03:49 AM Reply With Quote