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Kaderin Triste Kaderin Triste is offline
Default Tavern at CoST OOC (setting up)   #1  
How long have you been traveling? Weeks? Months even? Maybe you've been on the road for so long that time no longer means anything. Feeling weary, you continue onward.

As dusk falls, you notice some bright lights on the horizon. They get bigger and brighter the closer you get until you realize that it's a building; an enormous multi-story building with the quaint, exterior appearance of those from 17th century earth. It looks warm and inviting, which is exatly as it should be and you decide to stop, at least for the night.
As you enter the door, you feel a slight tingle.

"Welcome!" A woman with blood-red hair and large black wings calls out, smiling gently at you. "Don't mind that tickly feeling, it's just a translation spell of sorts. Makes it easier to communicate without having to learn hundreds of languages. And that's not an exaggeration."
She gestures around the main room and you see a jumbled array of other travelers, some are recognizable, and the rest are completely foreign.
"I suppose I should properly introduce myself. My name is Danica SaDiablo, owner of Tavern at the Crossroad of Time and Space. Tavern Cost for short."
Last edited by Kaderin Triste; 06-08-2018 at 02:22 AM.
Old Posted 06-07-2018, 11:23 PM Reply With Quote