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Default   #14   Poggio Poggio is offline
Bald and loving it!
Eillaf was to busy mentally counting what could possibly be the best dinner he had had in a while to notice the low menacing growl emanating from Aurelian. As he walked pools of fog began to radiate around his feet, before long Eillaf realized he was knee deep in the silvery mist. He quickly looked around to see what was wrong. It had not rained in days and he was no were near a swamp. He heard Aurelian growl then. Eillaf frantically turned to look at his ghostly friend. His vision was soon encased in darkness but for a faint red glow. It made Eillaf curious, immediately the items he was holding fell into nothingness. “That’s right child…” A voice came from the darkness. Eillaf turned his head frantically around wondering from wince it came. He looked back down at Aurelian. Did you hear that? He asked the beast. All he got in response was a mangy headshake. What ever it is don’t listen to it.

It was followed by a soothing laugh. Eillaf looked in the direction of the laugh. He saw a lavishly dressed man. He couldn’t phantom why Aurelian thought this man to be dangerous until he gazed into his eyes. He let out a small gasp. Only in his dreams could he image the specters that Aurelian described to him. This one was real, and he was making a steady stride towards Eillaf. “When I look at you I see infinite possibilities…” The creature went on saying unphased by Aurelian “You could be a petty crook all your life or…” He gestured towards the gate. “Help me, use your powers for me. “ With that the mighty panther lunged at the man, and Eillaf followed suit arming himself with one of his daggers. The man with the glowing eyes disappeared before reappearing behind Eillaf. “Think about it boy” Eillaf turned and aimed a punch at where the man stood. Instead his body seized up pain. The last thing he remembered before plunging into darkness was the violet light and the sound of Aurelian calling his name.
Old Posted 03-13-2011, 07:25 PM Reply With Quote