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Lawtan Lawtan is offline
Dragon Storm
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(This is a non-canon Horror Story)

In the early days of Trisphee, people lived in shock and fear from the battles. In those days, one land filled with mesas and very little water divided themselves into tribes, and among them arose the tale of the Oasis.
In this inhospitable land, one would think any source of water to be a boon, but this source, open and indefensible, has proved the death of many travelers and roaming tribes. It is thus called the Spring of Casualties.
Gradually, local sedentary tribes spoke of a monster that lives there, who casts magic that lures new travelers in, and through vivisection, creates temporary tools with which to survive.
The saddest part is that the monster came originally as a traveler hoping to reunite this desolate land – a savior turned beast…
Lawtan was a bright young warrior, whose faith in himself was unwavering. When he learned of the divided land, he believed he could reunite it into his own kingdom. Thrilled at the prospect, Lawtan bought a horse and loading it with a large pile of stuff and flags, he headed to the Divided Lands…
Within a day, he was lost among the twisting paths and open sandy planes. Within five, he slew the horse for food. Gorging himself on the flesh with buzzing desert-flies approaching, he saw a freshwater source. Quickly, carrying only the minimum gear, Lawtan stormed the lake. he tasted the waters, conveniently contaminated, and choked it down.
For days, he stayed there, afraid to return to the wasteland. Afraid of the emptiness. Gradually, paranoia filled his mind. Each day, the bright sandy world looked more dark – more shadowy – to him.
In a week, a traveling plant merchant stopped by the lake. Starving, for there was no food around the Oasis, and driven mad by the land and the toxic waters, Lawtan pulled the merchant into the waters, drowning him. She took his plants and placed them near the lake. he used his knife to cut up his legs, carve the bone, and dye the skin a burnt black. So, Lawtan became the Oasis demon.
In time, a city gained control of the area. Its armies marched on the Oasis, and drove Lawtan out. However, while they buried in a mass unknown grave the fallen, he ran into a haunted woods, all purple and grey, and so we have the Lawtan we know today.

Such delicious flesh you have, my dears...
Lawtan: A chaotic dragoness with issues.

��s ofer�ode, �isses sw� m�g.


Science, horror, folklore, and cuteness incoming!
Last edited by Lawtan; 11-03-2013 at 01:53 PM.
Old Posted 11-03-2013, 10:33 AM Reply With Quote