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Default   #22   Anome Anome is offline
Gosh, compared to some of these stories, my own experiences seem so... boring.

I don't remember the year exactly, but it was when me and my family were still living in our old town. We had a few friends over, and it was late and we were hungry, so we started heading to the kitchen. But we stopped at the doorway of my room, and it was almost as if our attention was drawn to the mirror that my mom had next to the front door.

My sister said that she saw our, by then deceased, grandfather in it, but at the same time it wasn't really him. It was really frightening, and we all ended up retreating to my room to cower on my bed.

And then there was just our house ghost, who wasn't really aggressive apart from sometimes unlocking and subtly opening the door to me and my sister's room.

I vaguely recall an attempt at a seance before, in that same house. I only really remember some of the people who were there, and that our attempt had apparently brought some strong ghosts into the room, hanging out by our shoulders or something. I wish I could remember more.

All around, my experiences have been few. If they even count, I suppose.
Old Posted 11-21-2012, 01:45 AM Reply With Quote