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Lightbulb Trivial Trisphites (5-coin prizes and more! Show off your Google Fu and Knowledge!)   #1  
Alright, people, ready for a game of trivia? Here's how it works. Questions will be posted in their respective categories in the third post (the one after the prize pool). You can answer as many questions as you like, but you have to wait one hour between posting, unless you're challenging the master for a prize.
At the end of one hour after the first answer was posted, all coins will jotted down for redemption at the end of the day (the end of the day being either midnight where I live or when I decide to go to bed). It all adds up and will be shown under the prize pool post.

The first person to answer a question, regardless of its correctness, will have five coins awarded at the end of an hour after posting--provided no one corrects it. You can quote a wrong answer and correct it. If your corrections are accurate, the one being corrected loses a coin, and the correcter gains a coin. You cannot correct your own answer, please make sure you have your facts straight before you post. I don't count typos or grammar mistakes as corrections. This is strictly the fact-checking type.

You can also earn coins by adding additional relevant information to an answer. This will gain you a coin without detracting from the original poster's coins. You also can't add additional information to your posts.

In the case of more than one correct answer, if the first answer is correct, the additional answers (assuming they're significantly different) will be counted as additional information and receive one coin.

You can choose to challenge the resident master (me) to be tested on your knowledge. You will be given ten questions in the subject of your choosing, one at a time. You have up to an hour before you're considered to have failed a question.
If you fail ANY question, you have to wait an hour to challenge the master again.
I will tell you if you don't have an answer correct, and you'll still have the rest of the hour to answer it correctly. It doesn't have to be in depth, just correct enough. (For example, I'll except 'yellow hair' as easily as 'blonde', even though blonde might be considered more correct, but i will not accept 'yellow hair' if the hair is white; 'blonde' covers yellow, gold, sandy and white hair.) You don't have to wait an hour for the next question, if you got it correct. I'll ask you the next one right away, if you want. (You can also take breaks, if something comes up. If something comes up in the middle of the question, it won't count as a failure. Just tell me, and I'll simply ask you a different one when you come back. This is negotiable depending on the situation. Talk to me, I'm a reasonable guy.)

You can get ONE COIN EACH TWO CORRECT QUESTIONS for challenging the master, for A TOTAL OF FIVE COINS. You can additionally pick one item from the prize pool in the next post if you answer all ten questions correctly. Anyone may also still get coins from adding additional information to CORRECT answers, within the proscribed hour.

Last edited by Lee; 08-09-2017 at 06:03 PM.
Old Posted 08-07-2017, 12:47 PM