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Default   #6   Glass Heart Glass Heart is offline

Thank you, I will keep that in mind.
It wasn't really a critique that got me down more so a sad face I said that I drew it and then when she went to ask kind of the medium, I said the computer. I think it was the disappointment in her expression that got me.
I'm always open for critiques, suggestions, and what my bf does "you did it wrong, do it again better"
if anyone would like to critique me it would be great but outside of having a single class my bf is the only one that has really tried to give me any advice
I hope I can get some tips with the drawing class I'm taking now (I wish it was more than once a week.)

Yes, I have thought about that maybe sometime soon. I got some classes I need to study for at the moment, biology.
I'd also have to figure out what my art would be valued as if I started a shop.
A gallery may also be nice since I could maybe get critiques hmm...

@Quiet Man Cometh
Yeah, I'll have to agree with you on that. It seems the only way to prove talent is to record what and how you did a drawing so someone could get the credit for it.
Hmm, I've never thought of a limited amount of copies before that is a neat idea.
I'll have to agree with you I feel the same about art some drawings just seem a lot better than others even with the same artist, it depends.
I think it depends on the artist's mood it always seems to affect my art at least, the more I'm inspired the better the drawing seems to turn out.

It takes me about the same amount of time for either from pencil /pencil like objects vs. tablet. However, other mediums like painting I'd need to get used to before I could completely judge that.
I started using a tablet this past Easter, currently I've been using it a lot more than normal drawing since it not only saves me from using a ton of paper but also my scanner/printer is having some issues.

Thanks Everyone =)
Old Posted 08-22-2012, 10:54 PM Reply With Quote